I nodded my head in reply. His hazel brown eyes softened.

YES! YES! COME ON! I squealed in my head. There is an 80% chance the chains were going off in a matter of minutes. And I reaaaalllllyyyyy wanted them off.

He sighed in defeat. I knew I had won. Sayonara silver chains! You're coming off!

I guess there wasn't much to celebrate about. I was still trapped in his castle, with him. But at least i'll be trapped in his castle, with him but without any pain. I'm trying to be optimistic, but it wasn't working much.

"If I take them off, you will promise me not to run away again?" he asked me. At that point of time, I'd gladly eat a worm if it meant getting the chains off. I nodded my head in agreement.

"You will stay with me in my room tonight." he ordered, then he left the room.

WHAT THE HELL?!? I was pissed. Okay, more than pissed. What happened to women's rights? I don't want to be near that man. Urgh. God I hate him.

I felt my wolf's happiness when he said that. But I wasn't happy. Not one bit. In fact, I was the total opposite. I wished I never met him. I wish he'd go away. More importantly, I wished I wasn't here.

Jace's POV

I sighed. Why was she being so difficult? Things would be a lot easier if she'd just accept me and move on with our lives. I knew she hated me. Whenever I listened in on her thoughts, she'd never fail to remind me how much she did. Every time she said that, I felt a pang in my heart. It hurts to hear my mate, my soul mate, say that. There were reasons why I killed her pack. I wanted to tell her, make her understand. But I know that if I do, she might hate me even more, she might feel scared of me, try to run away again. I loved her too much to tell her. There was also a slight possibility that, she will understand, and everything would be alright. I couldn't take that risk.

She doesn't understand that if I knew it was HER pack, I would never have destroyed it.

Ok, maybe I still would've. As I've said before, there are reasons why I have to kill her pack.This thing, being one of them.

My thoughts drifted off to my mate. She was so beautiful, with long, brown curly hair that cascades down her back and her eyes, they are a spectacular shade of green. I wanted to do nothing but stare into her eyes all day. But she would never let me do that. She and I both know that.

She's probably really mad at me now. Who blames her? I'm a horrible mate. I kept her here against her will and now I'm forcing her to stay in my room. With me. All I ever wanted of her was to stay here with me and be happy. Not like that's ever happening any time soon.

I vowed, to keep her safe and love and cherish her every day. But she was making it hard.

I continued walking down the corridor, towards my office. There were things I had to take care of. My pack needed me. I couldn't let them down just because I found my mate. They wouldn't be too happy if I did.

I entered my office and called my beta, Cayden, to update on the past few day's happenings, and to get information about my mate. It wasn't that hard. I found out her name - Brooke. Beautiful name. Cayden interrupted my thoughts after that and started talking.

"Good afternoon Jace. There is quite a number of things that happened. First, you remember the Blue night pack? The one we destroyed last week? Well, turns out, we didn't do that a good job as we expected. The alpha's alive. People say he wants revenge. He has gathered other packs to assist him. He wants to destroy our pack. Especially your mate, since you killed his. We don't know how true this piece of information is, but we need to get ready. I'll put our fighters in groups to train and..."

I didn't listen to the rest. My mind was only focused on keeping my mate safe. There was no way that bastard was killing her. I couldn't let that happen. Maybe I could train her myself, find places for her to hide, or maybe I could...

I suddenly heard the doorknob turn, interrupting me from my thoughts. A familiar pair of green eyes were staring at me innocently seconds later. She left the room? Was she running away? No. Not this time.

"Brooke, what are you doing here? Go back to our room. " I told her calmly. She mumbles something about the kitchen. Realization dawned on me. She was hungry. A part of me was leaping for joy that she wasn't running away. Another part was angry that my servants did not give her food.

I told Cayden to find her some food, and that we'd continue our conversation later.

I didn't like having another male with my mate, but Cayden has already found his mate and he was my best friend. I doubt he would be hitting on my girl.

I really hope he wouldn't.

Would he?

I listened in on my mates thoughts yet again. Cayden better not be trying anything funny.

" He's cute."

"This is wrong, Brooke. You have a mate." I didn't recognize this voice, probably her wolf I guess. I liked her wolf already.

"He isn't much of a mate now, is he? Don't worry though, I don't like Cayden that way"

I felt another pang in my heart. I honestly didn't mean to be so heartless towards her. A single tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away hurriedly. I never cried. Even when my parents died, and I was not going to start now. But I was happy that she didn't like him.

I stopped listening then. I trusted Cayden. He probably doesn't want anything to do with my mate. I sent him a message through the pack's link just in case.

"Don't try anything with her, ok?" I had told him

I'm not a possessive wolf. However the thought of my mate with another wolf just doesn't appeal to me.

Later that night, before we slept, she had built a wall in the middle of our bed, with a ton of pillows. I chuckled when I saw that. She was too cute.

She scowled at me before lying down and falling into a deep sleep. I hardly slept at all that night. I could not resist looking at her while she slept. She looked so peaceful, like there was nothing in the world that bothered her. I guess that is probably what she wishes for - that i'll go away and just leave her alone. I could never do that. I hope someday she'd understand...


I felt like that was a good place to stop the chapter :) So what do y'all think? Do you think Brooke is at fault? Or is Jace the one who should be blamed? Comment below!

Hopefully now you understand Jace a little more... Sorry its a little short, i'll try to make my next chapter longer! Hope you like it!! Thanks for reading :) Please FAN, COMMENT, AND VOTE!

Thanks again!


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