He nodded and hid his smile beneath a shrimp roll.

"Why did you associate yourself at their parties when you didn't even attend school?"

"People there had big egos,this goes for the boys in the group,wanted everything to revolve around them and as for the girls,I was in tenth grade at the time..they had the rebellious charts going through the roof. I did it because I wanted to break that--them. Wanted to show others that their ego was just a front and the rebellion was a mask as well. I never liked people who lie about their lives to gain popularity. And before you ask,no I did not do what I did with you to them."

So he went to the parties to ruin the status people had school wise. And I thought he was only ruthless to me.

I looked back up at him when he asked,"What do you like most about yourself?"

My eyebrows went up. "Personality wise or--"

"Anything." He put his trash in the bag next to him and took mine,disposing it as well.

I don't really look in the mirror and make a list of what I like about myself. I also changed alot so I can't look back over the years and count. And my personality is irritating at numerous points,but even though my hair is annoying in the morning and refuse to stay out my face and mouth I like the curlyness and how it bounces back to its previous hairstyle and all i have to do it comb it.

I checked my phone on the charger while saying,"I haven't got much in mind right now,but I'm gonna go with my hair."

I heard him laugh before he said, "I had a feeling we weren't going to pick the same thing. Out of all things,I like your eyes."

I looked back up at him and shrugged my eyebrows. "Yeah,you're on your own with that."

Throughout the entire time we sat here they (my eyes) have probably looked at every inch of Niall by now,and no I haven't enjoyed it. As I'm sure you guessed already my feelings towards him grew. The sudden kindness and cockiness is what more than likely triggered it to expand because that's what happened with Zachary. Well,that and his looks.

I'm ignoring them as best as I can but its becoming more difficult than before. Did I tell you that his looks changed since the day they left for tour? I told you he changed in looks but I haven't told you his hair slacked his usual quiff,looking like it was designed to be messy. His skin looked..creamer and since he kept changing his lips to grin,to smirk,to full on smile,to in between his teeth I've come to notice that they are fuller and a bright pink.

I hate myself for these feelings believe me but on the bright side,they can't compare to what I feel towards Zach.

"How many girls have you," I cleared my throat and replaced what I was gonna say "helped?"

He pursed his lips and looked like he was mentally counting before saying "20. Not including you."

That's a high number. He really has the heart and mind to 'help' 20 people?

"Why did you choose Zachary?"

I stopped my thoughts and temporarily felt uneasy,he threw me off. "What?"

"Why after everything you know he has done and after every other guy you can share your life with,why do you still pick to be with him?"

And that's why. That why this entire time he wanted to play this game,to ask me what everybody has for days on end. I answered this question over and over with the same answer,why do they keep asking? Zachary is not as bad as they are making him seem and it angers me that they still see him as the bad guy.

My chilled state went away,my hands were clenched tightly on my lap and I was biting my tongue so hard to prevent from saying the wrong words. I looked in the eyes of Niall and began to take deep breaths,he noticed the body language change and instead of showing concern which I wasn't expecting he didn't hide his small smirk when he said, "You have to answer it."

"Particularly I don't. I don't recall signing any papers or making any promises."

"When you agreed to play you agreed to play the entire game,not skip questions you weren't fond of. I answered yours now you answer mine."

"None of my questions offended you." My voice raised slightly.

"All of them offended me Aria because I don't like having to answer to you but I did it anyway. Now you have to return the favor."

"The questions I asked was based on the topics you offered!"

He shut his eyes as my loud voice went throughout the living room and catching attention from the others in the kitchen. "Don't raise your voice at me."

"I do what I want Niall. Want to know why I choose Zachary? Because he was the ONLY one who really cared about me in a very long time."

"He's obsessed with you! That's what you think but it's just a phase!" He rose his back up from his leaned sitting position.

"And what? You know what's best for me now? You know the fakes from the real people in my life?"

His eyes burned with fury and I'm sure he wanted to put a hole in a wall or through someone's face but with everyone around he wouldn't dare. "Aria you are just gonna get hurt again because you make stupid decisions by letting and giving the wrong people what they want. He doesn't care about you and if Timothy and your parents were here right now, they would be disappointed in you."

Everyone walked out of the kitchen and to the front of the couch. Asking thousands of "What's wrong?" and "Is everything okay?". I stared back at Niall and from hearing about Timothy and my parents being upset and disapproving of me made a fresh new batch of unwanted tears.

 I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of watching me break so I stood up and looked at the many confused faces. Zachary was the one to reach out to me but I moved away and pushed past everyone closing the bathroom door behind me.


Till the next episode!?

It all went downhill on question 5. Tsk,tsk,tsk. Why can't they just accept the impossibly good looking Zachary Pierce?


Hostages (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt