Ch. 5

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"Cara!!!!" The dj yells loudly. Leana looks towards me and suddenly looks guilty. I smile and thank the dj when Cara runs up to me and hugs me tightly. I walk over to Leana. "oh my gosh thank you" she's say as gracefully while receiving a 100 dollar visa gift card and a t shirt for being second place. Cara receives a 500 dollar gift card and screams wildly in to the microphone while Leana and I walk down the stairs. "So that was fun" I say to break the silence between the two of us. "Yea, are you ready to go?" Leana asks shyly. "yea, I'm ready when you are". We walk towards the car making small talk pointing out drunk girls crying or yelling at their boyfriends. We climb a flight of stairs in the parking garage when I see it, the green Honda. "is that yours?" I ask point to the car "yea you like it?" "Greens my favorite color" I replied. We sit in the car and I
Lean the seat all the way back. "ok where are we going?" Leana asked me. "11296 sw 11th avenue" I say while closing my eyes "oh look at that we are neighbors, what a coincidence" she says awkwardly. "not really, its a big neighborhood. The majority of the people that go to flagglers high live there" I said with a slight chuckle. "How are you feeling?" Leana asks "still a little buzzy but I'm ok" "well are you parents going to notice "she asked sounding concerned. "I doubt it, they don't notice anything" I said while rolling my eyes. "do you want to sober up a little bit? My puppy could use a little love" she says while winking. "You're the creepy old man in the van that is planning to sell me to a sex slavery ring" Leana looked at me with her eyes wide and mouth dropped open "Im so sorry. I didn't mean it like that... I.." "No wait, calm down. Its ok. I like puppy's, of course. I was being sarcastic, if I was even remotely worried about you what just happened at sunfest would definitely not happened" I said trying to reassure her while placing my hand on her arm. "ok fine but only because I don't want you going home like this". Leana starts to back out and I lean my head on her shoulder while leaning against her and holding her arm. I close my eyes as she sing the song on the radio and I slowly drift into a light sleep. "hey, wake up" Leana says while gently touching my arm. "Oh sorry" I said while sitting up and running my face. "awwwe you have a red mark from my shoulder" I look in the mirror and sure enough there is my beautiful dark skin and a giant red mark on my cheek from where my head rested on her shoulder. I look at my phone and I have about 60 text messages in my group chat with my friends. I get out of the car and stretch my arms "please let me know if you feel uncomfortable" Leana asks while looking at the ground. "please stop, I'm ok I promise" I said while pulling get towards the door. Her house is a light tan with red shutters around the windows. Her front door is a dark red with cute pots filled with colorful flowers. Leana opens the door and immediately I am welcomed by the sweet smell of apples. "oh my god yes!!!!" I yelled excitedly. leana laughs and asks what I'm so happy about "the smell. It's my favorite scent." I smiled widely.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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