Chapter 5 - Basketball and Parties

Start from the beginning

I blushed slightly. What's wrong with me? I never blushed around Michael.

"This sucks." I muttered as I continued walking, deciding to ignore his comment.

"Tell me about it. I'm in the basketball team, I can't be seen in a school musical," he exclaimed bitterly.

I nodded in agreement, before waving him off on my way to walk home.

"Hey, where are you going?" he called as I walked off.

I raised an eyebrow, "home?"

He chuckled, "I'll take you, get in," he said as he opened the passenger seat of his car door.

I walked over and smiled gratefully, "Thanks."

"See, I can be nice." he said with a grin.


Emma and I were watching the basketball game intently. We were playing against our rival school, and the game was very intense. Dylan, Michael and Jacob were all playing their hardest and the score was 2:2

With only five minutes left of the game, the crowd were on the edge of their seats at the quality of play going on. I cheered as Dylan effortless managed to steal the ball from the other team. He passed it to another player, who was Michael. With a minute left, Michael dodged a defender and aimed for a shoot. It seemed as if the audience went silent, as everyone watched anxiously to see whether the ball made it into the ring.

The player from another team lunged for it, but the ball managed to go through his hands and straight into the ring. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and the entire Oxford High basketball team ran into a clump and lifted Michael on their shoulders.


After the game, and elated Dylan drove Emma and I to the after party at Jacob's. It was already in full swing when we arrived. There were people everywhere. And nearly all of them were holding drinks or dancing.

"No smoking, drinking, drugs, or boys." Dylan said protectively as we got out of the car.

I grinned at him. "Yes, Dylan!"

He sighed, "Seriously Soph, I am not bringing home a wasted freshman."

I giggled at his description, "I promise," I replied. 

Dylan had gotten dressed out of his basketball jersey and was now wearing casual clothes. Emma and I walked around the party, wondering what to do.

After the game, we had gotten dressed back at my place.

Eventually, Emma and I found the dance floor and joined the mush of sweaty bodies. The music was blaring loudly and I could tell that the most of the people were either tipsy or drunk.

I had promised Dylan that I wouldn't drink though, and I planned to stick to that.

A guy came up behind Emma and began dancing with her. Not wanting to be a third wheel, I shot her a wink and went off to find Dylan or someone to talk to.

I was on my way outside when I heard my name called. I turned around to see Michael waving at me, with a drink in his hand.

I smiled at him. "Hey Michael," I said

"Wassupppp Soph," he greeted me enthusiastically. I could tell he was slightly tipsy, but he wasn't drunk.

"Nice shoot." I complimented him.

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