The Truth is Revealed

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I refused to go to school, so I luckily got to stay back today. I was wearing a long hoodie, and my cut hair in a NCIS hat.

   "Hey probie," DiNozzo joked

He was walking to his desk past mine and McGee's

  "Shut up" I yelled

I ran into the girls bathroom, I hated that name now. I thought it was funny before yesterday, now I hate it, I despise it. I take off my hat and rinse off my face with cold water. I was just pulling back my hair when Ziva came through the doors, I quickly put my hat on.

   "What was that Lexi" Ziva asked me.

   "I just hate the name" I answer

Ziva laughs at my remark

  "We all do, mostly Tim" she tells me

I give her my best smile, and keep my head down, hoping she won't see my bruise on my cheek.

My hand where still wet so she hands me a paper towel, I keep my jacket down to cover my sore wrists.

  "Thanks" I say

  "If there's more than the name bothering you, you can tell me" Ziva implied

I nodded, she walked out of the bathroom and I looked in to the mirror, I'm so ugly.

I then walked back to my desk and started checking my email. The guy that had kidnapped me, Drake, had killed the marine in Norfolk, and Zack McHolland had killed the two in Bluemont, Mrs. McHolland had been found where I was being held and is recovering in the hospital. So we have no case.

   "Lexi!!" Abby cheered

She came over and hugged me, and I hugged her back,

   "I'm okay Abby" I reassure her

Then as her let me go her hands hit my hat and it flew off of my head. I grabbed it and ducked behind my desk and put it back on, I hope none saw my hair.

   "Lexi, you okay" Gibbs questioned me

He just walked in, so I popped my head up.

   "Yep, Gibbs, I'm fine" I answer

He shrugged his shoulders and gave me a puzzled look. I hit the button

and turned on my webcam, and my hair was half in and half out of the cap, and the cap was backwards.

   "Oops" I laugh

I duck behind my desk and fix my hair again. Gibbs must have snuck up by my desk, because when I popped my head up again he grabbed the hat off of my head. Looked at my hair, and told me to follow him. I walked towards the elevator where he was heading, with my cut hair in my face as much as I can, with my head down.

When in the elevator Gibbs hit a button then switched the elevator power off.

   "So, what's that" Gibbs asks me

   "A new hair cut" I joked

Gibbs just gave me one of his looks, god he's good at that.

   "Okay, i'll tell you" I respond

He sits down and I do too, then I tell Gibbs everything that happened at school, I left out the part about me cutting. Gibbs hugged me.

   "I'll fix this" Gibbs told me

He then started the elevator and we headed back to are desks,

  "Nice haircut" DiNozzo jokes

I shiver, i know he's just being him and not making fun of me, but I can't handle him sometimes.

Gibbs walks by and slaps him on the head.

   "Sorry boss" Tony responded

The day passed uneventfully except for  DiNozzo annoying the rest of us like 300 times. I was ten thousand times happer here then I will ever be at school. I never want to go back again, at 1900 Gibbs told everyone to go home, so I did.

   As I was walking home the conversation from earlier came back around in my head.

   "I'll fix this" Gibbs had told me

What could this mean, I don't know but I hope it doesn't involve me going to school again.

I fell asleep pretty quickly and I sleep for a long time.


The New Girl {NCIS} -Book 1-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant