School Is The Prison I'll Never Escape

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Warning this has some cuss words, bulling, and suicidal thoughts.


I only got like 4 hours of sleep, I was up before anyone was in for the day. I walked around for awhile and found the kitchen and the coffee, yay. Then Gibbs came in the building and got to work, is he first here every morning?

"Hey Lexi, you sleep okay?" Gibbs asks me

"Yeah" I lied to him

Then the rest of the team showed up and it was 6 am.

"Tony take Lexi to school" Gibbs says

Then me and Tony get up and head to the elevator, here I go back to hell.

Tony just keep play the ratio till we got to the parking lot of school, when we pulled in I immediately felt every eye on the car. I took a breath and stepped out and Tony followed me. I still had my gun on my waist, I knew people saw it. We went into the office to explain my predicament.

"NCIS Special agent DiNozzo" Tony started

The office looked towards him and had a puzzled look when they saw me,

Tony then explained everything that had happened to me, all I did was stay quite and didn't say a word.

"I'm so sorry Alex" the office lady's said

I cringed when they said Alex, because my parents only called me Alex.

"It's okay, I'm fine" I respond to them

"Go ahead and have a moment with your -" the front lady continued

"Probie" DiNozzo finished

She now had a very puzzled look still on her face, oh well I'm going to have a long day ahead anyway.

"Gun, and knifes" Tony told me

He held out his hands, ugg I want to keep them, what if I'm kidnaped again?

"Fine" I answer

I then hand him all my weapons to DiNozzo and roll my eyes.

"You want me to come to first class with you?" He joked

"NO NO NO!!" I screamed

Tony just shook his head yes and dragged me up to my first class as the bell rang, I got my stuff from my locker, and walked down the hall with my head down.

Tony came in to my class, I just took a seat, and started drawing in my notebook trying not to be noticed.

"Class, we have a special guest, from NCIS." My bio teacher explained

"Lexi come up here" Tony told me

I walked up there with my legs trembling

"You guys know Lexi, She now works for us NCIS as a probie agent" DiNozzo explains

Really Tony are you trying to get me beat up? Ugh. I put my head down at that point and let my hair cover my face. I wanted to just disappear, into a field of grass and marigold flowers. I walk back to my seat and pulled out my drawing notebook. I heard some laughter behind me, and then I felt something hit the back of my head.

"We're watching a movie, pick your seats in 1 minute or less" the teacher broadcasts

I pick up my stuff and head for the back table.

"I'll be back in 3 minutes, socialize" the teacher told everyone.

"So what does 'probie' stand for," Monica jokes to her friends

Monica, Britney, Jasmine, and Zoe are my main tormentors. I just sit there and try to ignore them.

"I bet that guy likes to probe her" she goes on.

I just pull out a notebook and start drawing doodles on it, and take the teasing.

"What a loser, ugly man whore" Monica finish

Monica and her friends start laughing, then head over to their table. The teacher then walks in and starts a movie on Mount Everest and the affects on the human body.

The movie is really boring, and we watched it through the whole class. When the bell rang, I left class and headed to the bathroom, I had to wash my face off. Then like a annoying mosquito in came Monica, Britney, Jasmine, and Zoe.

Jasmine locked the door and ran over to the group around me,

Britney threw me to the ground and punched my face.

"I bet she didn't cry when her parents died" Zoe tossed out

They all crack up, Jasmine grabbed a pair of scissors and threw them to Monica.

"Let's give Alex a haircut, she needs one" Monica shouts out.

If I had my gun right now I would shoot them all, god dang it. I would fight them, but I would be the one in trouble. My school is corrupt.

I keep struggling to get out of there grip, while they cut big parts of my hair off. Meanwhile the keep punching and kicking me.

"Hahaha now Alex looks like a little gay boy, just like her name" Zoe informs her group

"Fucking bitch" Monica finish

Then Monica drops a hand full of hair in my face and they walk out.

When they leave I run over to the door and lock it again. Then I crawl under the sinks, and start crying.

"Why can't this just end" I mumble.

I pull out my phone from my pocket, and lay it next to me, debating if I should call Gibbs, No I can't.

Just unlocked the door and hid in one of the stalls all day, couldn't show up class the way I looked.

When the last bell of the day rang I ran out of the bathroom, grabbed my bag and ran out of that school really fast.

I was walking home and I heard laughing behind me, oh great my day is not over yet.

"We should be hair barbers," Zoe laughed

I just keep walking, and mentally murdering them.

"By loser, have fun being probed" Monica yelled

When I finally reached home I ran to my room and cried. I just want to die.

What I decided to do was not much better than killing them.

I went to the bathroom and found a razor, I just wanted to die. I cut my wrists till I felt dizzy. I Really thought I was going to die. I woke up on the floor in the bathroom 2 hours later.


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