devirginization 34: She's here

Start from the beginning

She hurriedly runs at the door and slightly opened it to watch what is going on outside.

"The fuck, stop this shit, Miranda! I don't have a fucking time for this kind of waste!" Her dad shouted and was about to leave when her mommy threw some photos on his face.

"Is that what you call shit, James? Who the hell is that blonde girl, James?" Her dad became speechless on what he saw.

From a far, the little girl saw who's on the pictures and she is not mistaken, it's that blonde girl named Panini again.

She gasps. She knows, she also wants to know, who that girl is.

"Why can't you speak, now? Tell me! Is that your daughter and so does that baby in that picture? Who's that Panini? TELL ME, JAMES!" Her mommy shouted.

"Shut the fuck up, Miranda! April will hear you and the fuck, Panini is not my daughter!"

"So, that baby is your daughter, huh?" Her mommy concluded and her dad froze--don't know what he'll say next.

"C'mon speak up, James! Am I right, huh? Who the hell is Panini! The fuck, speak up!"

"Fine, you want me to tell you the truth?" Her daddy said as he cuts her mommy from nagging.

"That little girl is Panini! And that baby is her daughter!" Her daddy shouted.

Her mommy got dumbfounded on what she heard.

"What kind of reasoning is that, James? Who the fuck do you think will believe that shit? That girl's too young to be a mother! And the fuck, she looks like she's only 9, who the hell will fuck a nine-year--" her mommy stopped and gasped as she get everything and absorbed every pieces of the puzzle.

"You... You devil! You got her pregnant? You fuck a girl younger than your own daughter?" Her mommy blurted in disbelief and started to rampage and hitting her dad in so much hatred and disappointments.

April can't take what's going on and what she just found-out. She cried watching her mommy cries while hitting her daddy. It's like she's absorbing all the pain from her mommy's eyes.

But everything got more intense when her mommy pull out the gun from her purse and even though she's shaking, she managed to point it at her daddy

"Miranda, drop the gun!" Her daddy shouted in fear.

"No, you immoral! You disgusting crazy piece of shit! You stay away from me, asshole!" Her mommy blurted in tears--still pointing the gun at her daddy.

"How could you, cheat on me!? How could you take that? You have a daughter and she's been idolizing a pedophile? She has a nymphomaniac father--" her mommy's statement ended up with a fire gun.

April got shocked, so does her daddy--that's holding the gun.

He couldn't take all the insult from his wife that lead him to snatch the gun from her and pull the trigger.

"Mommy!" April couldn't take what she just witnessed.

She run as fast as she could to her bleeding mommy.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She kept on shouting at her unconscious mommy, trying to wake her up. She tilts her head to look at her daddy that until now still haven't sink in what he just did and shakingly holding the gun.

"Daddy! Help mommy!" She pleaded but her daddy can't hear anything but his heart beat and his conscience.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She kept on shouting at her mommy but no answer or even a blink of an eye from her. Just her blood flowing out her head and mouth is all what April gets from her.

"Daddy! Why won't you call for help?" Nanny! Heeelllp!" She shouted put of desperation.

"I killed her," her dad mutters while looking at the gun.

"I killed your mom!" He shouted and another fire gun ruled the whole room.

"Daddy!" April shouted. And she cries more harder seeing her daddy lies on the floor dropped dead. She cries seeing her parents dead and blood are everywhere.

"Mommy! Daddy!"


"Ha.. Ha.. Ha.." I woke up catching for breath and sweating as fuck. What the hell, that dream again? 

"Ma'am, we have already arrived in our destination, you're the last one on the board," I lift up my back from my seat and take a look at the window. And now I remember where I am...

"We're here?"

"Yes, ma'am, welcome in the Philippines, mabuhay!" I smirked at the back of my head. Finally, I'm back.

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