"You'll be able to enter something else besides solo competitions!" The actor scolded. "And think of all the dances you could do with two people! I know you've been dying to try out some of those styles that need two people." Yukiko paused, taking a breath. "Besides, this experience would be good for Kaito!"

Oh great, Kaito thought sarcastically. At least I'm an afterthought. 

"There is a reason I became a solo dancer!" Shinichi defended, her sapphire eyes bright in rage at being told what to do. She was so not listening to someone who went to travel the world in turn of leaving her 14-year-old daughter defenseless against the world.

Stupid parents

The newbie dance prodigy couldn't help but notice how pretty Shinichi's eyes got when she was angry. He smiled lightly as the yelling got louder. Yusaku sighed. 


New Dance Prodigy Kuroba Kaito: Looking for partner! 

Winning awards one-by-one, this new dancer has become a big shot within many competitions. Kuroba Kaito, age 17 and practically the man of every girl's dreams! In a recent interview, we got him to attend, he was asked many questions on furthering his dancing career. To our surprise, he stated he wanted to "have a partner and see where it goes with that", destroying the previous belief that he wanted to be a solo dancer. When asked why he wanted to dance with someone else he merely laughed, saying, "It's lonely alone, isn't it?" 

More information on this new dancer will be released on dancestars.com! Check in for more later! 


"I can't believe it. You totally hinted at being my pupil." Shinichi grumbled over her coffee cup, a sweatered hand shutting her laptop off with unnecessary force. She quickly brought her arm back to her cup. It was already in a peculiar position seeing as her too-long sleeved draped off her and the coffee cup struggled to stay within her grip. 

Kaito grinned. So adorable

"Technically I said partner, not pupil." He informed her happily. "So Kudo-sensei, what do you think about me being every girl's dream man?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Shinichi rolled her eyes. 

"I think it supports my theory that the world is totally blind." She paused. "Or at least a majority of the female population." Kaito rolled his eyes that time. 

"That's mean, Shinichi." He berated her to which she only shrugged at. 

"I know." She sipped on her coffee and grinned. "I don't take it back, though." 

The apartment filled itself with tranquil silence until Kaito burst out laughing. 

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