Untitled Part 1

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The twists and turns came naturally as the dancer fell into step with the beat. The tempo lifted and the dance became faster, twists more daring, and flips common. But it was no problem for her, body toned and athletic from the years of dancing experience. Another turn. Another flip and twist. Elegant body. Elegant expression. Mesmerizing perfection.  

Indigo orbs brightened. Sapphire stayed serene as silence filled the dance studio. 

"Do you get it now?" The girl asked, a light smile on her face as she turned to the boy who sat Indian-style a couple of feet away from her. "It's not all about the planned choreography. That right there was me improvising just by listening to the beat. Now get up and try, Kuroba-kun!" 

The indigo eyed boy jumped up, black T-shirt and dark grey jogging pants clad his body. "Hai! Kudo-sensei~" 

Kudo Shinichi sighed, rolling her eyes. 

"Why did I ever agree to teach you?" 

(Three weeks ago):

Dance Prodigy Kudo Shinichi takes on a pupil?! 

Earlier this morning, we were informed by the ever famous actor Kudo Yukiko that her daughter, prodigy teen dancer Kudo Shinichi is taking on a pupil despite being a proclaimed, "lone dancer." Not even having experience with a group or partner as far as we know, how will this new dancer effect Shinichi? More information on who this new dancer is will be provided by the famous novelist Kudo Yusaku in due time. 


Shinichi spit out her coffee. The report on the internet itself was surprising especially since she hadn't taken on a pupil. And she decided she never would so the fact that- wait. She re-read it again, groaning. She didn't. There was no way her mother found her someone to teach... The poor bastard. She didn't want to be cruel and just send him or her away, but that's how things were pointing. There was no way she was just going to take on a pupil. She didn't know how to teach people to dance, anyways. 

Dialing the all too familiar number of her mother, Kudo Yukiko, Shinichi braced herself for an argument. 

First meeting:

"But Shin-chan~!! " The actor whined. "This is a good opportunity for the both of you!" Shinichi glowered at her mother and Kuroba Kaito shuffled awkwardly in his seat next to Yukiko. Yusaku, who looked highly amused and bored at the same time observed the conversation only intervening when it looked like it was about to get physical between both daughter and mother. 

"Um, you don't have to teach m-"

"Shut up, Kai-kun! I refuse to lose!" Yukiko snapped. Both males flinched at her anger and Shinichi just glared harder at her mother. 

"How would having a pupil benefit me?" Shinichi all but growled, casting a slightly apologetic look in Kaito's direction that almost went unnoticed. Oh, Kaito smiled, she knows I'm being forced into this too. That's good...

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