Just peachy...

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Hi guys hope you enjoy, I know I did writing this. Please comment and vote. Sorry for any errors please comment and point them out.

Picture of Bobby's house above^


"All you had to do was be nice to her, she is my boss and you just ruined my chances of promotion!" My mother screamed at my father who was driving the car, while I tried to stay hidden at the back of the car.

"It's not my fault that she was being rude to me and you know I can't stand rude, impolite people." He screamed back at her not watching the road.

"She was not being ru... Ahhhhhh" Dad wasn't watching the road and ran a red light, a car rammed into mom's side of the car. I jerk forward but am caught by my seat belt. Dads airbag blows up but moms doesn't she just sits there limp not moving, dad groans before going silent. My door is opened and I am pulled out, too shocked at the happenings to react to what they were doing. Hearing the sound and seeing the light of the ambulance made me take in my surroundings and see my mothers lifeless body being pulled out of the car.



Woken up by my alarm, at the same point each morning, leaving me with that picture embedded in my head never leaving, never changing. But there is no point dwelling on the past that I can't change I mean it was 7 year ago and I'm 17 now, so I might as well live my life how I want to.

Getting up out of my bed, I pad over to my en suite bathroom, kicking the mess on the floor out of the way, turning on the shower and stripping off. Letting the water wash away the dreams and dirt from my body. Getting out I rap my fuzzy towel around me cleaned my teeth and walk into my wardrobe, I take out my school uniform, which I may have bent the rules of just about to the point of breaking with out actually been able to be told off about it. My school look consist black high wasted skinny jeans, white fitted shirt, black leather high top converse, my black leather jacket and my blood red backpack.

After getting dressed I went to my dresser, looking in the mirror I could still see the remainders of the bruise on my chin, before you all jump to conclusions no I wasn't in a fight, well not of that sort, I go to a kick boxing club and you sometimes get a few scratches. Anyway it's nothing a bit of makeup can't fix, I did my foundation, eyeliner, mascara and finally my dark red lipstick. I turned on my ghds, as soon as they beeped at me I finished with my hair and left it down.

"Bobby get down here and have breakfast before your late for school" My aunt shouted up to me.

Grabbing my backpack, football kit and Iphone I run downstairs to the kitchen to my aunt. "Morning Auntie, whats for breakfast?" I asked while giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Scrambled egg, so sit down its on the counter." she said with a smile pointing at my food. while eating my eggs I check my messages and my Instagram, "Bobby your going to be late for you don't shift your butt right now!" My aunt yelled from the hall way, checking the time, I had 15 minuets to get to school on time, not that I cared or that it mattered, the receptionist loves me so just gives me a pass now.

"Bye Auntie, I'll be late back I have football tonight." Hearing a quiet 'okay, bye' I grab my keys for my baby, shes a Yamaha YZF-R125 I do have a car but bikes are way more fun.

Pulling up into the car park I park up, sort out my hair while looking for my friends when I can feel someone behind me knowing who it was, I whipped around smirking at the boy who is now in front of me, he looked shocked and annoyed that I caught him... again.

"How do you even do that? It's so not fair." He said pouting. This is Jacob, the school prankster, football star and my bestfriend. He was 6"1 has dark black hair that he styled into a neat quiff, dark blue eyes and a killer watt smile. Every one thinks he's the player in the group but they are so wrong, that would be my other best friend.

"Stop whining like a two year old, we all know Bobby has the senses of a bat." Connor said while hitting the back of Jacobs head. Now Connor is a 6'', has dark caramel skin and light brown eyes and also a football star. Everyone first sees him as the nice friendly guy who all the girls love, why they fall for him I will never know, that's how we became friends as I didn't fall for his charms and when he kept flirting with me I may or may not have punched him in the gut and kneed him in the crotch, and ever since these two idiots have been my partners in crime. "Have you heard about the new boy that is starting today?" he spills over with excitement.

"How do you even find out about this stuff? I'm pretty sure he's not even here yet as all the girls are still acting like normal." I ask while looking around, when a matte black BMW M3 pulls up into the car park and into the space next to me. Out the can comes a boy who fit the badboy image from the leather jacket to the ray-bans covering his eyes, instantly knowing that he will have to learn where he stands here, I turn back around to my two best friends who both know what I'm thinking and walk alongside me into the building.

"Did you see his car? It was sweet." Jacob rambled on while on the way to our lockers. "Do you think he plays?" Now that was a question I didn't want to know the answer to, because as you see I'm not on the girls football team I'm on the boys, actually I'm the captain of the boys team. I was 'moved' off the girls team for being too forceful when playing often giving the other players injures but they were never my fault you see, I would just simply stop dead with the ball as they would tackle causing them to fall and I would just dribble around them. And if the new boy plays that means that I could lose one of my team with him replacing them and then I would also have to deal with 'but your a girl on a boys football team' and it just gets really tiring.

"I hope he doesn't because I'm not going to explain myself to him because he can't take that fact I am a girl." I said while shoving my kit in my locker.

"I'm sure he's not that bad Bobby, he could be like us and excepting you and not asking any questions." Connor said shutting my locker.

"Excuse me." A deep voice said from behind Connor, all turning to look who the voice was from we find the new boy, oh just fantastic. "Sorry but your leaning on my locker, oh and I'm Finnley Davids by the way." He said pushing up his sunglasses and smiles showing us his perfect teeth.

"Oh right sorry, I'm Connor Julliard. This is Jacob Samuels ." he said pointing behind me, "And this is Bobby Mitchels." I just nod at him and start to walk off to my tutor room when, I pull out my phone when I hear my name being called, turning around I see Finnley walking towards me with a grin, plastering the most genuine smile I could, I waited for him to explain himself.

"We have the same tutor group, how great is that." His grin had gone into a full blown smile.

Turning around I muttered "Just peachy..."

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