"Elementals, heed my request!
Shield us from evil at my behest!"

Another blue glow emanated from the sigil, this time brighter, stronger, answering Lucille's powerful call. It crawled outward along the door, then the walls, then the ceiling and the floor. It crept to every corner, every crack and crevice creating a safety sound enough to deter the Necromancer's divination. When the light covered all surface and reached the other end of the room, it closed in on itself and pulsated a moment brighter before it disappeared into nothing. The incantation was complete.

"Hngh..." Lucille groaned, becoming lightheaded from fatigue. She allowed herself to lean on the wooden door to keep her body from collapsing. She had used far too much magic for one night. From tracking the Resurrection Ritual's whereabouts; to that quick battle with the Necromancer; to her wisping out of the woods and into a sequestered space three blocks from her apartment.

She couldn't risk being traced back to her apartment so she cast a disillusionment charm as she ran back home; not an easy feat when she was carrying her unconscious fourteen-year-old daughter in her arms. She had been in an adrenaline rush, magical and otherwise, and now that the it was over, she couldn't help but feel lethargic. However she willed herself to stand up, to tend to Lilian and her soiled appearance, she was beat.

She slumped instead on the nearby sofa, eyes fixed on the girl dozing on her bed. "Is it really you, Lilian?" she whispered to herself. "Have you really come back to me?"

Only now did Lucille allow herself to feel the weight of the situation. Maybe it was the fatigue that brought it about. Now that the emotions are washing in like tidal waves, she languidly let herself be swept away.

There was the shock of seeing her again. The past two years, images of Lilian's coffin being laid down the grave haunted Lucille night and day. Having her right here, in the very apartment she personally chose because it didn't resemble any of the previous homes they've shared together, wrecked what little sense of reality she had carefully rebuilt. Although being a witch, she had her fair share of bizarre things thrown at her all the time, nothing felt more surreal than having her daily prayers to the goddesses answered. Lilian had been brought back to her.

This gave her a profound elation that seemed to wipe all the days she spent lost and depressed; all the nights she begged the stars to take her away, to let her follow her daughter to whatever plane her soul was now residing in. She was here now, her breath unending, her skin warm with life. Lucille could never be more grateful and she could never ask for more.

Finally, the strongest of the emotions holding her hostage was the most obvious. Fear. A deep, debilitating terror sneaking up at the back of her mind, asking her questions that needed to be answered right away. Why did the Necromancer resurrect her? He was never interested in his own daughter when she was still alive so what does he want from her now? And how far was he willing to go to get her back?

Feeling a little bit rested, she tried to stand up, forgetfully leaning on her wounded left arm, sending sharp pains and making her wail in agony. "Goddamn it!" She cursed under her breath, and quickly turned to Lilian, afraid she might wake up. She still dozed peacefully. Lucille wondered how serious the wound was, or if the energy ball was poisoned. She examined what seemed to be just a gash and burn similar to what would happen to skin and flesh when licked by a normal fire. Nothing a first aid kit can't mend.

She mustered all her remaining strength, walking towards the bed where Lilian lay and reached out for her first aid kit in the bottom drawer of her bedside table. Now that she was close to Lilian, she instinctively held her in her arms and let all the confusing, pent-up emotions spill out of her eyes. She didn't care to wake her daughter up, and she ignored the physical strength draining away from her. She wept and wept until she had wrung herself dry of everything that she felt wrong before, allowing only happiness to settle in.

It was with this mix of bliss and exhaustion that she knelt down beside the bed and rested her head against  Lilian's hand. Now that she was back, she will fight beyond life, beyond reason, to keep her daughter from being taken away from her again.


Thank you for reading the second chapter! I'm happy with this part because I get to use my spell rhyming chops that had not been used since...highschool i think? That was 2002/2003 when I was obsessing over Charmed and made my own Book of Shadows. At least I found a way to be productive with it, after all. LOL :P Also, I apologise if the last part seemed rushed (because it is) I am a pantser and I got a wee bit confused with the outline I did over a month ago. Also I panicked because all along I thought it was only Thursday and I know I promised updates every Friday. I'll do better next chapter.

If you liked this, don't forget to vote! :) and if you think this was crappy, please comment below! I appreciate your honest opinion and your feedback will surely help me grow as a writer. Thanks again!

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