"Eww, this sounds like something I do not want to be involved in," said Adam in disgust.

"Wait! Aren't you going to introduce us to your lady friend?" The younger boy asked curiously.

Chase rolled his eyes. Before he could say anything, the younger boy stepped forward and took my hand.

"Leo Dooley, step brother of Chase Davenport. Status: Single, ready to mingle," he said with a wink.

"Leo! She's too old for you! Besides, this girl's already taken. By Chase," said Adam. "I'd never thought in a million years I would ever say that."

"Adam, would you shut up!" Chase hissed.

The older man laughed at the sight of the three boys fighting.

"Hope you don't mind them," he said. "They do this almost every day. I'm Mr Davenport by the way. Chase's Dad."

"Nice to meet you, Mr Davenport," I replied, shaking his hand. "I don't mind it at all. It's nice to have siblings; it brings more life to the house."

"Do you by any chance have a younger sister?" Leo asked.

"Leo!" Chased scolded again.

"Nah, I'm an only child."

"Ohh. Your parents must be showering all their love to you every day," Adam joked.

"Not really. I don't see my parents very often."

I felt as if I was in an interview with all these questions. I was starting to get worried that they would start asking me more personal questions which I wouldn't want to talk about.

"Alright, the introduction is over! We're way behind schedule right now," Chase said urgently.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the rest of his family. He brought me to another room down the hall which appeared to be a study. Chase gestured me to sit down and I quickly obliged. As I was taking out my things, he heaved a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry about the interrogation you got back there. My family can get a little- Nosy sometimes," Chase explained.

"No, it's fine! Don't worry about it. I think it's sweet that your family is all curious about you and your friends."

Chase's frown turned into a smile. I couldn't help but smile too.

"Yeah, I guess so. Shall we start?"



"I just can't seem to get this right. Where did the 4 come from??"

We had been on this topic for almost an hour and I couldn't seem to get a hold of it.

"It's okay, just relax. This is definitely more complicated than differentiation."

I groaned in frustration. "This is hopeless."

"You know what, let's stop here for today. There's no point forcing yourself if you don't understand it the first time. I'll start with more simpler questions next week and we can work from there," said Chase.

I sighed in relief." Thanks, Chase. You've really helped me a lot."

"It's just math," Chase said modestly.

"Well, it's not just math. You really saved me back there with Vicky the other day."

"It's what friends do right?"

I smiled widely.

"What?" Chase asked.

"Nothing, it's just... It's not often that you acknowledge the fact that we're friends."

When Two Worlds Collide (A Lab Rats Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now