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For the next few days I would stay at the Foster's house, which meant I would get to spend a lot more time with Jude before I left.
Jude and I got up early the next moring and planned on spending the day on the beach and watching the waves crash up on the shore.
At about 7:30 I got up and tried to get Jude up.
If there's one thing Ive learned while dating him its good luck getting him out of bed.

"Jude, c'mon get up "

"Ugh what time is it?!"

"Its like 7:30ish"

"So Ive got a half an hour"

"No, you dont have a half an hour to sleep Jude"

"Connor who said anything about sleeping?"

At that moment he pulled me in closer and pressed his lips against mine. He grabbed my shoulders and rolled over, pulling me onto the bed next to him.
For the next half hour we stayed like that, no kissing or anything more, just cuddling.

The alarm went off at 8:30 I had fallen asleep next to Jude and the time must have slipped away.
I sloppily slapped the alarm a few time to get it to shut off, which after a few tries it finally worked.
I turned around to find empty sheets. Where could he have possibly gone?
I got up, opened the bedroom door, and walked to the bathroom. Jude sat in the corner of the room with his legs pulled in tight.
He looked up at me.
His face was red and puffy and a tear rolled from his cheek and hit the floor.
He stared for a few seconds before he put his head back in the safety of his knees.

"Jude? Whats going on?"

He didnt answer and kept his head down.
I walked over the where he was sitting and sat down next to him. I put my arm around his back and pulled him close.

"I guess it was the other reality..."
Jude picked up his head and told me.

"What about it?"

"I had a dream, I was about 15 and I found a pencil sharpener on Jesus's desk and..."

"Oh no Jude."

"and I used it to cut... I could feel the blade slicing my skin, blood was everywhere.

"So why are you on the bathroom floor?"

"I woke up in shock and I didnt know what to do... I didnt want to wake you so I came in here"

"You should have woken me up Jude."

He put his head down on my shoulder and continued to cry.

"You can't leave... Not again"

"Its not my choice Jude... The best we can do is spend as much time together as humanly possible. Do you still want to go to the beach?"

"Yeah, Okay."

Yes, ik this is a short chapter and it's moving slow rn but there's a reason and I have to build it up. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with me from my last fanfic, just a few who stand out would be
Thank you guys, and everyone else who supports and loves my fanfic's. Im only 13 and you guys treat me like a professional it's absolutely amazing💘

Im going to be randomly updating a few times a week because as you probably figured out from the last book, schedules aren't exactly my thing😂

Stay (unfinished/abandoned)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें