Chapter 13: What. The. Hell.

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Eri-chan:i own nothing even this story,the credits should go Theriechenbachevent in fanfiction.


Through out the day, Kyoko tried to concentrate. She really did. But really, when the love of your life confesses to you, really, how do you concentrate on anything at all? But concentrate she did, after all if she didn't, this next scene could go VERY badly. She focused on the next shoot
of the day, and the costume she was to wear for it.

A towel.

That was it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Okay, technically, that wasn't
entirely true. She wouldn't be nude under it or anything since the directors had very kindly offered a solution to her modesty problems.

A nude body suit.

Apparently, no one but she, Kanae and the directors knew a body suit was involved at all. So while she was calmly getting ready, she could see
the little wheels turning in Ren's head to save her modesty.

Really, it was amazing the things one could notice when given the proper information. He ought to know that there was no way that the directors
would let a 17 year old girl parade around practically naked on set.
No way.

Though she wasn't naked, it was pretty damn close. As she stepped into the suit and wrapped the towel around herself, securing it tightly,
she had to admit, if she didn't know any better, she would've thought she was naked. She slipped on her robe and stepped outside her dressing room only to bump into Kanae.

With Kanae in tow, she went
to Ogata-san and Shingai-san to be briefed for her scene before shooting it. She didn't see Yashiro and guessed that he was probably hiding. He probably didn't want to be exposed to her longer than
necessary for fear of Ren's wrath. The directors called for the set to be cleared and for all actors to be in position.

She positioned herself at
the tub and closed her eyes, letting Fumino take over.

[Scene Begins]

Fumino washed Teppei's back,
thinking about Shouma. There was definitely more than meets the eye about the story here, she thought.

When Sensei got home, she would definitely get him to tell her everything! She reached over in the tub for the shampoo, only to find the bottle empty and got up, towel and all , to get a new bottle out of the bathroom cupboard.

The small amount of cloth to barely cover her didn't bother her since Teppei was the only one there.

[Scene Interrupted]

Kyoko could dimly hear Yashiro enter the apartment, calling his brother's name.
She then heard him make his
way to the bathroom and braced herself.

[Scene restarts]

Fumino bent over, picking up the bottle from the floor cabinet and straightened up again. She shook the bottle only to realize that this
too was almost empty.

"Hmm, I should probably go
shopping for more shampoo
tomorrow. We're running out." She said absent mindedly to herself.

Suddenly the door to the bathroom swung open to reveal a dumbfounded Shouma.

"Wha-wha-what are -"

He never got to finish the sentence as Fumino shrieked and promptly dropkicked
him in the head.

It was an instant knockout and it was to a scene of a towel clad Fumino nursing an unconscious Shouma to which Ojiro Kazuma returned.

"Wha? Why is Shouma here? And why is Fumino-san naked?"

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