Chapter 8: Today was good day

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Eri-chan:i own nothing even this story,the credits should go Theriechenbachevent in fanfiction.


Kyoko clutched at her head as she sat next to Ren at the lunch table.

Why I ask you, WHY?
Of all people to fall in love with I choose Ren!
He's sooooooo far out of
my LEAGUE, its funny! Sigh...Kyoko you've paved the road for a painful love...

Ren watched Kyoko out of the corner of his eye; she was going through a lot of weird facial expressions.
He touched her lightly on the arm.

"Kyoko? Are you okay?"

She jumped a mile at his touch and wrenched herself free while hastily backing up.

But she forgot that Kanae was sitting right next to her and crashed into her, disbalancing her.
Kanae toppled over taking Kyoko with her.

"MO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Kanae was now flat on her back on the ground, with her legs still on the bench that she was sitting on.

Kyoko was face down over Kanae, which she hastily got up from and helped Kanae up as well.

"Uh hehehe, sorry about that.."

Ren got up along with the rest of the guys.

"Kyoko?" He reached out to touch her again and was surprised when she ducked out of the way, grabbed
Kanae and pushed her in front,
hiding behind her.

"Well, I need to do something really fast, so uh see you on set Ren."

With that she bolted like a skittish deer towards her dressing room, leaving
her cast mates standing confused.

Yashiro put an arm around Ren's shoulders.

"So lover boy, what did you do?" Ren rolled his eyes.

"I swear, this time,
I did nothing!"
The guys frowned at each other.

"If you didn't do anything then why is Kyoko-chan avoiding you?" Kinnji said mulling over the situation.

She seemed fine before lunch, so why now?

Kanae took advantage of their
staring in the way Kyoko had run off, to try and sneak away.

She failed however as Yashiro caught her.

"And where do you think you're going Kanae?"
He loomed over her.

Kanae sweat dropped.


"You wouldn't happen to know why Kyoko-chan is acting so strangely, would you?" Kanae took a good look at Yashiro.

She was surprised to find
that up close he was actually quite good looking.

She would've paid more attention if the need to
protect Kyoko wasn't so
The idiot had finally figured out her feelings and there
was no way she was about to let these dimwits for love, ruin it for her.

Kanae flipped her hair over her shoulder and brushed Yashiro's hand disdainfully off her.

"As a matter of fact, I do. However, I'm not particularly inclined to tell you.
So deal with it."

She smirked at Yashiro's dumfounded face and
walked off to find Kyoko.


As he watched Kanae walk away, Yashiro became vaguely aware of his racing heart.

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