Chapter 2: Character Search

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Eri-chan:i own nothing even this story,the credits should go Theriechenbachevent in fanfiction.

"P-p-pervert?!" Ren choked out.

Kyoko sat shocked as Ren turned 5 different shades of red,and all three adults burst out laughing.

Ogata tried to calm himself down as he explained.

"When I say per*gasp* pervert, I don't mean for you to be like a hard-core pervert.

What I mean, I that you have to get into a habit of harassing Kyoko-chan but not as in
like sexual harassment, but things like make her uncomfortable with your closeness,"

Ren blushed again, sending the adults into fresh gales of laughter.

"Or, like... well read the manga and  you'll understand what I mean Tsuruga-san.." Ogata tried once more to control himself and this time succeeded.

"When you have mastered this part of the character,we will proceed with the filming alright?" He looked at Ren and Kyoko, both of whom meekly nodded their assent.


"Kaji Fumino – san, eh? Kyoko thought as she walked towards the Love Me Section Locker room.

'I wonder she feels so strongly for her brother, so how can she love her teacher so fast? Doesn't her brother hold a larger lace in her heart?'  Kyoko sighed, as always her love problem had once again reared its ugly head.

Dejected she opened the door to the locker room and to her delight, she saw her Kotonami Kanae, her friend, changing in to her Love Me uniform.

"Moko-saaaaaaaaan!" Kyoko gleefully yelled and sprinted in a mad dash towards her best friend.

Kanae's body instantly reacted as she sidestepped Kyoko's hug. Her breath came in panicked pants as she surveyed her friends over eager, slightly forced cheerfulness.

She has another problem again thought Kanae and bluntly said as much to her friend.

Almost instantaneously Kyoko's enthusiasm plummeted as she drifted into a self proclaimed doom.

Kanae hid an uncharacteristic giggle and coaxed Kyoko to tell her what had happened.

-a little while later-

"I see. Well it's definitely an interesting role to say the least. I've read the manga myself," said Kanae with a blush.

"It's definitely a character out of both of your depths.But I trust you Kyoko, if any one can make this work, it's you." Kanae said pointedly not looking at Kyoko as she said this last line.

*Geh, when did I become so mushy and best-friendy?*
She thought with disgust.

She was suddenly startled out of her thoughts as Kyoko gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Kyoko-chan" she gasped, "can't ~gasp~ BREATHE!" Kyoko instantly let go, apologizing profusely.

"I'm sorry Moko-san! I'm just so happy that you have that much faith in me!"
Kyoko got teary eyed and stared at Kanae with unseeing eyes, obviously in the midst of another one of her silly best friend fantasies.

Kanae rolled her eyes and slumped in her chair.

*Gah, it's not even 10 o'clock in the morning and I'm already exhausted*.
She gave Kyoko a fond glance and quickly covered it up as she thought but for her it's okay.

Suddenly a question entered her mind.

"Hey Kyoko, what was  Tsuruga-sans reaction when he heard you two were the lead actors?" she asked.

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