Chapter 1: The Beginning of A Romance

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Eri-chan: ~sigh~
As usual i own nothing.
credits should be on Theriechenbachevent in fanfiction.
It is one of stories i laughed,squeal and laughed again.
It is great story i tell you...
Okay, I will stop talking now on to the story...

"Okay I'll be leaving now!" Mogami Kyoko called into Darumaya behind her.

"Hai! Work hard Kyoko-chan!" Okami-san called back.

With that,Kyoko sped down the sidewalk to her new job at LME Studios.

It had been maybe six months,but Kyoko was finally getting used to being a rising star.

Her performance of Mio in Dark Moon had won her national praise for the intensity of the character.

This had all started a few months ago,Kyoko reflected as she continued on her way.

She had been working multiple jobs to pay for the pent-house apartment she shared in Tokyo with her childhood friend and currently the most popular visual kei artist Fuwa Sho.

The two had known each other since birth and when he ran away from Kyoto to Tokyo to become a star, he asked Kyoko to come with him and she, being madly in love with him, had foolishly agreed.

Kyoko began growling and emitting a dark aura as she thought about what had
happened next.

Sho had taken all her hard work and admiration for him and thrown it right back in her face.

She had over heard him talking to his manager about how he had basically brought her here to be his housekeeper even though he acknowledged that he was aware that she loved him.

Kyoko growled even louder now scaring some pedestrians that passed her by.

Kyoko had sworn revenge on the bastard. She would make him regret ever abandoning her, and she would shine more brightly than he, in the field that he worked in.

This,she had promised herself, she would do,even if she died trying.

She cackled maniacally as she parked her bike in front of LME Studios and went inside.

"Ahh, I was wondering where that evil aura was coming from, I should've known it was you Kyoko–chan." Yashiro said as he spotted her in the lobby.

"Oh Yashiro-san," she looked at him smiling, she looked around him,not seeing his usual companion at his side.

"where is Tsuruga-san?" she asked.

"Oh Ren? He's in a meeting with President Takarada. In fact if I'm not mistaken, you are wanted there as well." He said, pointing down the hallway that led to the executive offices.

"Thanks for telling me Yashiro-san, see you later, bye! "

With that Kyoko sprinted down the hallway towards the President's Office.

Yashiro snickered. Ren and Kyoko had no idea what they were in for.

It was going it to be an interesting couple of months, he thought maliciously as he went to go pick up a special delivery.

"Sawara-saaaaaaaaaan!" Sawara heard a gleeful yell before he looked up to find Kyoko racing for the desk he was sitting,in that hideously bright pink LoveMe uniform.

"Good Morning Kyoko-chan,how are you?" he smiled at the girl.

"Good morning to you as well! I'm just GREAT.." Lord, the girl was literally bouncing off the walls, he thought as he watched her.

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