Chapter 5: Encounters of the Worst Kind

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Eri-chan:i own nothing even this story,the credits should go Theriechenbachevent in fanfiction.


Ren got up, wiped his mouth on a napkin and made his way over to the President, who had, as usual, made his entrance on horseback in Arabian attire.

He was praying furiously, hoping that the President hadn't seen anything.

His hopes sank like the Titanic as he saw the ridiculously broad smirk on the President's face.

He led the President back to their table keeping stoically silent as Takarada chuckled silently next to Ren.

It wasn't until he was seated and had greeted Kyoko,Shingai, Ogata, Kinnji, Yashiro and Moko, that he began to grill Ren.

"So Ren, are you already at the
marriage stage? I could've sworn she was feeding you like a good wife." Ren grimaced.

"Please refrain from mentioning that" He kept his face expressionless, praying that his embarrassment would not manifest itself in the form of a blush.His hopes were in vain.

"Oh look" Takarada cried gleefully.

"You blushed! Tsuruga Ren just blushed!"
Ren cleared his throat
frantically pleading with his eyes around the table for someone to save him.

Unfortunately, most everyone was having too much and ignored.

Kyoko however understood
him and asked the president.

"Um, President-san? Was there an official reason for this visit?" She asked innocently.

She felt sorry enough for him. She had embarrassed him enough, and if she let it go any farther he would definitely come after her later with
a vengeance.

And really, who knew what Tsuruga Ren was capable of?

She looked at the president
He pouted at being derailed so quickly but continued.

"Yes actually. Since this was a joint project between Ogata and Shingai, I expected it to be a success, but it's overwhelming the response
we've received.Since the display of the posters and playing of the trailer, it's amazing people are going crazy with anticipation. "

Kyoko beamed,really proud of everyone.

"In fact, many of your fan sites – yes you have many fan sites
actually Kyoko-chan"
said the President in response to Kyoko's confused look.

"They have already given you a couple name.At the moment I believe they are torn between two.Ryoko or Ken."

(A/N: Yes I realize they're silly, but on short notice it's all I could think of!) .

The rest of the table roared with laughter, even Moko,Kyoko blushed and Ren laughed.

"Well to give them credit, the
names are original."

"Yes well in any case you have
been invited on a talk show
tomorrow, apparently they are are three other guest stars, but they won't reveal who they are. Is that alright with you?"

He looked at the two.

Ren looked at Kyoko and answered for her and himself.

"That's fine. We can handle it.
Isn't that right Mogami-san?"

She smiled at him.

"Of course, Tsuruga-san."

Suddenly there was a commotion at the cafeteria door.

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