Chapter 12: A Funny Feeling

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Eri-chan:i own nothing even this story,the credits should go Theriechenbachevent in fanfiction.


Kyoko's mind ground to a complete and utter halt, uncomprehending the sudden change of situation.

It was silent following Ren's
He was overcome with
embarrassment while Kyoko was trying to calm her racing heart.

She squeaked out, trying to
desperately retain her character as "Bo".

She would deal with the
severity of his confession later, when she was alone, so she could scream in peace.

"So you the girl
who plays Mio on Dark Moon?" She tried to re-affirm his statement, in case she'd heard him wrong somehow.

At his mute nod, Kyoko
felt her mind narrowly avoid
exploding into chaos.

"But what should I do? I've royally pissed her off and now she'll never speak to me again! I said stupid things that I didn't mean, I was just jealous, and that stupid jealousy is going to make me lose the only
woman I've ever loved."

Kyoko stared.
He clearly regretted his
actions, that much was apparent, her heart was beginning to melt for him
and she felt some of her anger
She loved him and it was
obvious he loved her.

Trying to push her panic of his confession under, she tried to help him.

Kyoko said, causing Ren to look at her.

" It's not to good to give up before you've tried. Look, try and apologize to her, if she sees
that you are genuine, maybe she will forgive you, just tell her your true feelings."

Seeing the panicked
expression on his face, she rushed to correct herself.

"Not those feelings! Just explain to her honestly what made you so angry about the
whole fiasco. I'm sure she'll hear you out at the very least."

Managing a weak smile, she got up and dusted herself off, and as she did so, she heard Yashiro call his name.

"Ren hurry up! You have a meeting upstairs in 20 minutes!"

Ren got up apologetically as well.

"Sorry, I guess I have to go. I'l keep your words in mind though, thanks."

Without thinking, Ren held his fist out for a fist bump which Kyoko returned reflexively, after all, the Ishihashi brothers did it often.

She waved as Ren turned the corner, after about 10 seconds, she bolted for her dressing room, undressing and redressing with record speed.

She felt her blush return full force as she realized the gravity of Ren's confession.

Grabbing her bag, Kyoko
tried to speed walk out the building doors, hand over her mouth as her mind reeled, when she bumped into Hikaru Ishibashi, his brothers, Yusei
and Shinchi behind him.

"Kyoko-chan? Where are you going in such a hurry? Say if you don't have any plans toda, do you want to have
dinner .....with"
He trailed off as he noticed the fiery blush on her skin, the wide watery eyes and the trembling lips.

He gulped, even in this hassled state, she was adorable.

"K-kyoko-chan, are you alright?"
Shinchi asked, leaning around his brother to peer into her face. She seemed almost stupefied,, he tried waving a hand in front of her face.

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