Chapter Twenty Three: Revealing

Start from the beginning

"Thanks girls. I'll just look around. They can't be that far away. I'll see you later girls."

"See ya Izzy." Isabelle walked towards the entrance of the boys dorm and looked around. There were many people just leaning against the walls or people making out with one another. Isabelle walked down the hall till she heard their voices.

"When can I tell her the truth?" Isabelle heard Leo say.

"Not yet. A few more days. Just keep charming her, sleeping with her.. she can't keep training."

"There's nothing else I can say to her. I've already said I love her... Which we have a connection." Isabelle put her head to the wall, and closed her eyes. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Isabelle never fell for anyone as fast as she did with Leo. She believed that he genuinely loved her, that Charlotte was her best friend, she now thought about her friendships with Amy and Katy. Could she trust them anymore. "Charlotte I have to tell her everything." Isabelle stood up straight and moved around the corner to face them.

"Don't bother. I've heard it all." Isabelle turned away and started to walk away from them.

"No Isabelle. Listen to me."

"Leo. I don't want to know, I don't know what you guys have been planning, making me look like a fool. Believe me I am the fool. Thinking you liked me, Leo. When it was all a lie."

"But it wasn't. I admit there are many lies. I just need to tell you."

"I don't want to hear anymore." Isabelle clutched her stomach, looked in front of her and ran off towards her room.

Leo caught her up a few doors down from her room. "Isabelle please you have to listen to me. I'll explain everything if you would just listen."

"Was it all a lie? Everything you said to me."

"No. Isabelle not all of it."

"Was the sex just a distraction?"

"It was and it wasn't."

"And visiting my mum?"

"Wasn't a distraction."

"And the lies? Your parents dying in a car crash?"

"That's true. My parents did die in a car accident."

"Anything else you want to say to me?"

"Yes. The masquerade ball. Charlotte and me had convinced Miss Carter, as a distraction for you. But also for everyone else. Charlotte thought about doing a ball, and when Miss Carter agreed the plan was set in motion and ever since I've been distracting you from thinking about John. But I know you've been seeing the witches, and I can't stop you. It's your wish I just want to protect you from him."

"You don't know him. I know him and I can kill him. I don't need protecting. I'm not a child! I can fend for myself."

"And what happens if he kills you Isabelle have you even thought about that? He's a strong vampire, he can crush you and rip your heart out of your chest."

"I'm going to find him Leo. Whether you like him or not. If it takes me years fine, it'll take me years! I don't care if it spend years finding him. It doesn't concern you."

"It does."

"It doesn't Leo. I don't want to speak about it anymore." Isabelle looked to him. "You said you loved me, was that a lie?"

"Not a lie, just an exaggeration." Isabelle sucked in some air and breathed out. "I said I loved you because I do love you Isabelle. I'm just not in love with you."

"Do you know how much that's just hurt me?" Leo stepped up to her and cupped her face. "I've never felt like this about anyone before you Leo and you tell me this. I may as well rip my heart out myself, or let a werewolf bite me?"

"I didn't mean to lie to you. Believe me it was the last thing I wanted to do." Tears fell from Isabelle's eyes. "Don't cry Isabelle."

"I wish I never heard anything about this. I wish that I didn't overhear you two talking about telling me the truth."

"Isabelle.. Please.."

"No." Isabelle moved back and opened her door. Leo stood outside as Isabelle shut the door behind her.

The next morning Isabelle woke up, she went on her mac book. Isabelle scrolled through her emails until she received one from Chelsea. She opened it up and read it.

"Hey Isabelle, It's Chels.

Guess what?! I'm in Nova Scotia! I know, I know. You told me not to visit you but... I really wanted to see what all the fuss was about this place. Everyone goes here for spring break and everything. Meet me in St Johns. I'll be near the back of there by the shops. See you later.

Love you. Chels. xxx"

Isabelle looked at the time. It was 11:00am, Isabelle quickly showered and got changed into her blue jeans, black high heeled boots, black camisole and a red zipped up jacket. She sorted her hair into curls and let them sit just below her shoulders. Isabelle walked out of her room and went to Miss Carters office. Isabelle knocked lightly on her door and asked if she could see her friend who was in town for a few days. Miss Carter agreed and handed her a daylight ring. Isabelle ran towards St John's instead of taking the bus.

Isabelle walked to the place Chelsea was going to meet her. "I'm so going to slap this girl when I see her." Isabelle thought. Chelsea shouldn't be here in St Johns, Obviously there was humans around her, but if Chelsea found out about everything, Isabelle wouldn't know what to do, She walked around the place she was meant to meet her and looked around. There was no one around. She could see just barely in the distance a busy market with many people. Isabelle turned around when she sensed someone was close to her. As Isabelle turned around and was greeted by a unfamiliar face. "Can I help you?"

"No but you could help me."

"What does that mean?" Isabelle watched the black hair girl, the girl placed her hands against each side of Isabelle's neck and twisted it. Isabelle's neck cracked and she fell to the floor in one big heap. The girl picked Isabelle up and slung her over her shoulder and ran off in the other direction.


Heeeeeey everyone!! So how did everyone like the 'Dance show idea thingy'? I didn't really know what to do but I did it so I really want peoples opinions on it! Pleaseee!! Hope you liked this chapter! Spent a few hours writing at least 6 hours:P So dedicated:P muhahaha xD

Song on the side: I Love It by Icona Pop (That's the song that's played at the party BTW if anyone wanted to know:P)

So I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! I'll see if I can updated sometime in the week (It's a Friday update this week because I haven't got time to do it on Saturday. I have another 3 hour cooking exam next Friday and I'm busy on the Saturday so it'll be an early update or I may just have to update the following week. I'm sorry guys!! Anyways please tell me what you think!:D

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