Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

Zayn and his girlfriend had said their goodbyes a tad back because she had already started tour, but before ours.

I decided to stalk her twitter.

Her last tweet was at six this morning. At first I wondered if it was indirectly to me. Then I wondered why she was even up that early just to tweet that.

@RosiieKendall: Be safe. Xx

Two words. That was it.

Was I suppose to tweet her back? What if it was to someone else? That'd be awkwardddd...

Instead I only tweeted, but not directly to her... And if I'd happen to pop up on her twitter timeline, or she'd stalk my twitter, she'd know I was talking to her. Or I would hope so...

@NiallOfficial: I love you. Xx

"Let's go, Nialler." It was Paul who said this, but I sat there, moving slow.

Stalling in hopes.

I shoved my phone in between the book's pages where my finger had just been, dragging my guitar case along. Paul took my suitcase from behind me, but eventually he had passed me up, because of how slow I was walking. Infact, I wasn't even walking... I was trudging unhurried. Too bad if we missed the plane...

I looked back at the fans every two steps, hoping to see her. After 10steps, Liam was behind me with his hands on shoulders, leading me forwards to walk.

"Hurry, Niall. It'll be okay."

When was it gonna be okay? In the end? Because that was a hella long time away... And I don't want to suffer any fucking longer.

I glanced behind me again, over Liam's shoulders.

She wasn't coming. I already knew it. Hope was all I held onto.


Addison's POV:

I said my goodbyes to Harry last night. Or technically this morning since it was about 1am.

As for Rose? She hasn't said goodbye to Niall. AT ALL.

"I don't care how mad you were with him. You better go say bye or you'll regret it."

But nooooo....

She had to be stubborn ole Rose, eh?

Nobody ever listens to Addi.

That's her fault, and now she's here at my house watching sappy romance movies, eating nonstop, crying every now and then.

Sophia's with us too, because apparently she can't leave Sophia at home because her mum now never leaves her room, and because her dad has been MIA-Missing In Action...

So yep... That's that.

I've started searching for flats, and I found a two bedroom, one bathroom, and it was around my price range... My parents don't care, I just have to discuss this with Rosaline.

But now isn't the time.

Rosaline had told me that she hadn't been eating, but ever since not seeing Niall, she's been stress eating I suppose. But that is better than not eating at all.

Hopefully the eating doesn't catch up to her... I'd hate to see her insecure about herself.

But Niall would probably love her just as much whether skinny or not. In 5 months, she just might lose her perfect figure with all this eating. "God. I eat like Niall," She had said while shoving crisps in her mouth, and devouring a grande burrito... that then led to tears.

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