Lost and retrieved (Prince Joshua) Part 3

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Flashback continues: Yuuki's POV:

Katrina is so perfect, her look, her manners, her etiquette and her close friendship with Joshua. A week has already passed since her stay. She always spends her time with Joshua and I've become alittle lonely. They went on to sightseeing yesterday but Joshua brought back a beautiful necklace for me. A silver heart with a prism crystal strcutre in the middle. It flashes brilliant colours under the sunlight, it's breathtaking and stunning. I smiled as i touched the neck, remembering Joshua's slightly blushing face when he gave me this. His warm hug, his kisses and his whispers of I love you. He's always so sweet but sometime is embarrassed to show it.

Joshua's away with Jan for a royal duty today. I was asked to keep katrina company.

The 2 of us alone are taking a walk in the garden.

"What did you do to deserve Joshua?" Katrina suddenly said. Her bold question has taken my by surprise.

"I expected you to be some princess or atleast a noble's daughter when i heard of you. How did a commoner like you steped your dirty feet into a royal's world?" She smirked and gave me a disgusted look.

I was so shocked and looked at her with disbelief, no words came out of my mouth.

"Listen there commoner, you are not suited as future princess, be smart and disappear before i make you suffer and make you pay. Mark my words." Katrina spat out the words and walked off.

I can't believe it, Katrina has such a side.


"You look tired today, something happened?" Both of us laid in bed, he hugs me close.

I tighten my hug and burries my face in his chest, absorbing his warmth.

"......no, nothing, I'm just tired from designing."

I did not tell Joshua about what happened this morning. He will not beleive me. No one will. Who would imagine under that elegant mask lives such a vicious woman.

Joshua kept silent and kissed my head. "Alright, tell me if anything concerns you. Go to sleep now, I'll be with you. Need me to sing you a lullaby? ." Joshua gently patted my back and asked in an amused voice.

I giggled. "No joshua, you are terrible at it."

Feeling my form relaxed. Joshua placed a kiss on my lips. "Go to sleep, I'll be with you."

I closed my eyes and smiled. ".....I love you Joshua."

"I love you too."


A couple of days has passed. As I'm walking pass a empty corridor, suddenly confronted by Katrina.

"I see that you did not take my advice, you stupid woman. Did you really have to taste extreme pain before you quit?! Don't blame me for what's going to happen next!"


Suddenly my mouth was covered by cloth. Strong chemical choked my senses and i passed out without finishing my sentence.

I woke up in a dark and filthy basement. Katrina stood in front nonchalantly swirling her hand in small circle holding a sharp piece of glass.

I stood up and walked towards her.

"What are you intending to do?"

"Who knows? I said you will suffer." She made a small slash gesture threateningly.

I took a step backward, "Stop your crazy act now, Joshua won't forgive you for this."

"Ahahah! You are wrong. YOU will be the one Joshua won't forgive!" Katrina screeched and suddenly, she slowly brought the glass towards her chest.

I was startled at her movement and reflectively grabed onto her hand preventing it sinking into her chest.

Both of us tugged and the glass shard and it glinted dangerously between us. Suddenly, footsteps could be heard outside and Katrina screamed. "I PROMISE I WON'T TELL ANYONE. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME. I BEG YOU!" Katrina wailed and continued to pull the glass towards her and i pulled with opposite force. "What are you talking about? !" I looked into her crazy eyes. "You will regret that you ever met Joshua." Katrina smiled evily, at the same time, the basement door was kicked open with a bang. "YUUKI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I heard a familar voice roaring at me. Shocked, my hands let go and the glass immediately sank into her.

"AHHHH! " She screamed with pain and fell onto the floor, blood gushed out her wound, staining her clothes.

"Katrina!" Joshua ran passed me and rushed to Katrina's side.

"Jo...Joshua....she...she tried....to...to kill me.....ha...I...I saw....her.. stealing...ha...confidential douc...uments....and she...she......ha tries to si...silence me." Katrina accusses me in Joshua's embrace.

WHAT?! What is she talking about? What stealing? I was flustered.

"Joshua! I don't know what she's talking about! She's the one setting me up here! She stabbed herself! Please believe me."

"Quiet! Do you know how crazy you sound ? A maid witnessed you kidnapping Katrina here! Jan has confirmed an extremely important file has went missing. And we found it in your room ! Your room! What were you trying to do? Just what sort of woman are you to kidnap another and hurt them ? How could you EVER point harms toward Katrina? What evil side of you do i not know of?" Joshua stared at me with the coldest eyes I've ever seen, yet the anger behind it is so strong that i feel like it could  cremate me into ashes.

Joshua....Do you not believe my words? Do you really think of me like that? My heart was shattered by his cold words. A tear rolled down my cheek followed by another.  "No....Joshua.... i.... i..." I reached my hands out but Joshua ignored it. He stood up with Katrina in his arm knocking me down in the process but he did not care. Katrina flashed me a victorious grin before sobbing into joshua's arm again.


Time skip

I don't know how many hours have passed. Joshua rushed to the hospital with Katrina. I sat in the car with Jan, mind totally blanked out and confused. Jan looked uncomfortable and awkard beside me. It must be hard for him to believe what has happened. ".....Jan....believe me....make Joshua believe me....i did not do any if the things she accused me of. Believe me. I was framed" I said in a weak voice claiming my innocence. "....Lady Yuuki....." Jan did not answer my request. Suddenly, my side of car door opened, Joshua's stone cold face came into view. "Come out, we need to talk." His cold and authoritative tone made my heart dropped.

I followed him, he walked in front with his back to me. Suddenly i feel like he's so out of reach. We are separated by an invisible wall, an invisible gap, impossible to cross, impossible to breach.

He suddenly halted, with his back to me

"Leave right now, Leave the mansion. Be gone from my sight.  You have truly disappointed me. I do not need, nor does this country need a liar like you to be a princess. Yuuki.....Let's break up.

End of flash back.

A/N: Phew, that was hard, now I feel like I went a bit too far. I really need to brainstorm now to work out how to continue this. Anyone curious of who saved Yuuki ? :D Please comment, I love you all <3 I'll try to update soon again.

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