Lost an retrievd (prince Joshua) part 1

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"Let's break up......"

At that night, everything was so sudden.

I was defenceless, I was surprised.

I wanted to believe that it was all a joke.

Maybe, maybe if I wait here, he will return.

The rain kept on pouring. The person that I waited for to turn around, never did.

Tears, ran down my cheeks uncontrollably.

As I watched on, his figure becomes smaller and smaller

"No.....No....NOOO!!! please come back! Don't leave me behind! Please don't!......"

Tears ran down my face uncontrollably, mixed with the merciless rain drops that continued to pour on me as if to keep me awake in reality. My hands trembled, I slowly reached out, trying to reach that far far away figure. I staggered forward, trying to catch up to that person like a child tries to catch their precious kite that has flown out of reach.

Rain and tears blurred my vision, I moved forward, not knowing where I'm walking to

"Come back, please, please don't leave me, please believe me! I love you....Joshua....please..." Feeling my heart broken, loneliness and pain is suffocating. I continue to move forward, regardless of any obstacles, hoping that figure will turn, but instead, I was greeted by a pair of bright lights.


I can hear people screaming, then I can feel my body been sent upward by a huge force and then hit the ground real hard, it feels like all my bones are shattered to pieces, just like my broken heart. I can feel the warmth in my body leaking out, accelerated by the rain. There are frantic voices everywhere overpowering the sound of the rain "Som..ne ..call...an....am...lance!"

Pain........Pain......it hurts, Joshua...where are you ?....tears continues to spill from my eyes that are now becoming lifeless, blood runs pass my eyes and coloured the whole world red, blood runs down from the whole of my body as if it's trying to fill up all the gaps in the world. Before I totally lose my consciousness, I saw a pair of well polished shoes next time me, I tried my best to identify the person, a familiar face. I reached my limp hands towards him. That person held onto my hand firmly : "Hey!, don't give up! Hang in there!"

"I don't........... want to go ........back....back to the Lieben .......castle.....please help me......prince......"

Please help me......

I become less and less receptive to the warmth of my blood and the cold from the rain until I can no longer feel anything, I let the sweetness of darkness overtake me.

Why....... is this happening to me ? why.....?

"Damn it! Take her to the Limousine, we'll drive her to the hospital now!"

A man dressed in suits quickly ran up upon the prince's command.

What have you DONE to her? PRINCE JOSHUA?!

The limousine quickly speeds off towards the hospital, Prince Joshua on the other hand, was not aware of this.

Few days after when the Lieben prince finally become aware of the accident, he immediately went to the hospital where Yuuki was treated, but what greeted him was an empty room, all her medical record for that accident went missing, and his dear princess vanished like thin air, untraceable no matter how hard he tries to retrieve his precious treasure. The Lieben prince lost his dear princess.

Lost and retrieved (prince Joshua)Where stories live. Discover now