Lost and retrieved (Prince Joshua) Part 2

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Part 2:

Flash back, 2 weeks ago, Joshua's POV:

I'm sitting in my office performing my usual royal duty. My pen glides across the paper sign my signature. However, my mind is preoccupied by other matters.

Few days ago, I received a letter from Katrina informing her near future visit to the castle. Today I'm anticipating her arrival. I have not seen her for about 5 years. Katrina's my childhood and college friend until she moved away with her parents overseas to cure her illness. Her family has close ties with the royal family and is quiet influential. Back in the days when Katrina's father, Earl Lucas has audience with the king, she too often comes to the castle and we spend time together. I'm quiet fond of Katrina, not in a romantic wise of course, but a brotherly love. I appreciated her honesty and the manners how she treated me as Joshua and not a crown prince when we were little. She was kind....

Suddenly, my thought was interrupted.

*knock knock*

"Your highness, Miss Katrina has arrived"

"Come in."

The door opened and in comes Katrina

"Hello Prince Joshua, long time no see." Katrina's smooth and elegant voice reached my ears and I greeted her with a smile.

"Don't be so formal, I missed how we use to be."

That brought a smile on her lips.

Yes, indeed she's still how I remembered her to be. Elegant, beautiful, fragile, kind, timid yet noble, she has always entice a sense of protectiveness from others especially how pale she looks due to her sickness. Yuuki's smiling face suddenly crosses my mind and my smile deepens. Both of them I would definitely want protect against any harm, one my precious Yuuki who I want to treasure and love for my whole life and one dear friend who I want to keep for my whole life. Yes, those two are so similar, in terms of personality and charms but Yuuki seems to be more strong willed than Katrina. I really want to introduce Yuuki to Katrina as soon as possible. Those two sure will become close.

"Indeed Joshua, I too miss how we always spend time together."

"I apologize for not be able to give you the best welcome and greet you first myself. I have Jan set up a welcome dinner for you later in the after afternoon, we should have our chats then. I will also introduce you to my fiancée, Yuuki, I think you two will become great friends."

Fiancée? Katrina's face froze for a slipt second and her smile slightly faltered.

"What's wrong? Are you alright? You seem a bit tired?" slight concern showed on my face.

"You should retrieve to your room and have a rest. I'll have Jan to call you once dinner's ready."

"Yes, I shall. I'm quiet tired from such long duration of travelling. Thank you Joshua, I should take my leave now." Katrina gave a small bow and exited the room. Jan followed behind. I smiled and resumed my work.

Outside the office, Katrina's POV:

I left Joshua's office and turned left with a destination in mind, to a room I'm extremely familiar with.

"Miss Katrina, please allow me to take you to your room." Jan's voice interrupted my steps.

"Jan, it's OK, I know where my room is." I pointed towards the left end of corridor, near Joshua's bedroom.

"Miss Katrina, that room has become permanent residence of Lady Yuuki, I have already prepared another room for you at the right wing of the castle. Please allow me to guide you there." Jan said and bowed.

That room has become what's her name woman's room? She has taken MY ROOM? Calm down Katrina, calm, smile, perfect smile.

I suppressed my anger and returned Jan with my best smile. "Thank you, Jan."

Every step I take takes me further away from what was supposably my room, further away from Joshua's room. Every step multiplies my anger. Who is that woman, that fiancée!? I endured so much pain during my therapies overseas so I can come back healthily and see Joshua and spend the rest of my life with him. I endured so much hardships for him in this 5 years to accelerate my recovery and yet this unknown woman just appeared and took him from me?! How dare she!

Yes, I love Joshua, from the first time I saw him, I promised myself that I will become his princess one day. No one can take him from me. NO ONE.

A fiancée is she? I will make sure she will be no one in Joshua's life very soon.

Though only momentarily, my eyes glinted dangerously and an evil smile crept up my lips. I will make her pay for what she has done.

Joshua's faced flashed cross my mind and I recomposed myself. No one needs to see this side of me. I'm a perfect princess, I'm the perfect fiancée for Joshua. And I will make sure that people will see what's her name as the most evil, jealous and unsuitable candidate for Joshua. I will ruin her reputation. I WILL MAKE SURE.

A storm is going to happen very soon

A/N: I did this 2 in the morning, I'm tired and I did not proofread, please excuse any mistakes I make. I hope you all enjoy this. Next part's coming soon . Please comment to let me know what u think. <3

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