"Alright, I'll drive."

Running downstairs, we jumped into Ethan's car and sped off. We arrived in less than 5 minutes. We ran up to her door and began to knock. Nobody answered so Ethan picked the back door's lock.

I have to remember to ask him how the hell he learned that.

Ethan and I rushed to her room to see it empty. There was a note that was left on the bed.

'Dearest friends and family,

I am sorry that it had to be this way. I hope you understand. I finally found my brother and there's nothing left for me here. Ethan and I, it's just a no. Let him and Alexis be. That is my last wish, I'll call you every month.


Aaliyah <3'

Ethan and I stared at the more in shock. She... she seriously left?

"When will her flight leave?" I asked.

"It was booked for 3:15 tomorrow, well, that's what she told me."

"Shit, do you know what airport?!"


"What are we standing around for?' Let's go!"

"Actually..." he mumbled, "We should let her be. She wouldn't want us to interfere. Aaliyah did t-"

"I can't believe the words that are coming out of your mouth!" I said with shock, "Didn't you have a tiny bit of feelings for her?"

Ethan sighed and squeezed my shoulder.

"You know Aaliyah more than me, Alexis, and you know that she wouldn't want us to interfere."

"So... w-we just... stay?"

He nodded and pulled me to him.

"I'm sorry."

Then, the sound of her door creek made Ethan and I look up. Her father came through the door with a smile on his face. As soon as he saw us, his smile dropped and Ethan pulled away.

"What?!" he yelled, his once happy face turned primitive, "Ethan, why aren't you with Aaliyah?! Don't you understand what your f-"

"I understand." replied Ethan, "And I'm willing to take the risk."

Mr. Carrington held his head in his palm and took deep breaths.

"Where is Aaliyah?"

We stayed quiet.

"I will ask again. Where. Is. Aaliyah?"

Ethan sighed and handed Mr. Carrington the letter. His eyes suspiciously scanned the paper and then he read. In less than three seconds, he fell on the floor. We ran to him and he pushed us away.

"No!" he gasped, his eyes welling with tears, "Where is she? Where is my daughter?!"

I felt weak against Mr. Carrington. I never seen him shed tears before and it was slowly breaking my heart. I sighed and rubbed his back. He called out for his wife and hastily took his phone out of his pocket. I realized he was dialing the police and was forced to snatch his phone from his hand.

"She wouldn't want you to do that. You know where she is." I said, my hand tightly gripped on his phone.

"Give it back!" he cried, "I have to get my daughter! You don't understand!"

"I'm pretty sure we understand." countered Ethan, "Let her be."

The tears raced down Mr. Carrington's face and he screamed in frustration.

"Your father!" he cried, "Has a tracking device in her wrist planted from she was two!"

I instantly froze. Ethan gasped and looked at me.

"H-he said t-t-that if s-s-s-she... runs away... he'll kill her!"

Falling on my knees, I couldn't feel myself breathe.

"Get my daughter back..." he quietly sobbed, "Don't make her die... Please."

Ethan was frozen in place. I grabbed onto his leg and felt the tears try to come out. I didn't understand. Everything felt heavy. Ethan dropped to the ground, his green eyes staring at nothing.

"P-please..." whispered Mr. Carrington.

Ethan's widened green eyes stared at me. I took a deep breaths and nodded.

"Ethan...." My voice was barely a whisper, "E-Ethan..."

Getting up, he grabbed my hand and rushed out of the house. We went into his car and he sped off. Less than ten minutes later, we were at an airport. 


Ignoring me, he got out of the car. I got out and began to follow him. I then realized it was a private airport since it was small. He began to pick up his pace and broke out in a sprint. It was hard to keep up, but we stopped running after a minute or two. I began to breathe hard and fanned myself.

"No..." he whispered, his voice cracking.

I looked up and saw an empty garage.

"He's after her..." he whispered.

Taking his phone out, he pressed a number and put the phone to his ear. Because it was so quiet, I was able to put words together.

"D-dad, don't do this!"

"She defied orders, son."

"But it's not like she knew!" cried Ethan.

"Aaliyah isn't stupid, Ethan. She knew something would've happened if she tried to escape."

"Dad!" sobbed Ethan. "Please..."

"There's only two conditions." 

"What are they?"

"I assume you have Alexis near you. Walk away from her."

"W--what?" said Ethan, his eyes looking at me.

"Walk away."

Ethan signaled me to stay and began to walk away. After about two minutes, he put the phone down and looked up to the sky.

"Fuck!" he yelled, almost tempted to smash his phone, "Fuck everything!"



"Ethan, what happened?!"

He ignored me and bit his lip. 

"Fuck!" he yelled again, tears streaming down his face.

When the tears came, I gasped.

"D-did he..." I whispered.

"No!" yelled Ethan, "She's alive!"

I sighed in relief and hugged him.

"Then what's wrong?"

Ethan paused and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry, Alexis." he whispered, "But... Aaliyah and I are getting married next week."

Goodness this story makes no sense, lol.

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