13. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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I quickly slip my dress on. I packed one dress and until now I've been avoiding putting it on. Mostly because he's a cannibal and I don't want to be showing off flesh that would hunger him. But now I figure it's okay if I want to look cute for him.

"Which two?"

"Not telling."

He sighs, "May?"

I shake my head, "No."


I sigh, "Please please tell me you're done."

I slip on a pair of shoes that don't match my dress what so ever.


I move until I'm next to him and then I sit down, "Give up yet?"

He shakes his head and then looks at me smiling, "You look nice."

I blush, "Thanks."

Charlie looks at me completely serious, "Chase?"

I raise an eyebrow, "That's a boys name."

He shrugs, "You never said it wasn't a boy name. Plus I don't know if your parents had some sick sense of humor."

I shake my head, "It's a girl name."

He nods, "Kelley?"

I shove him in the arm and he laughs, "What?"

"Stop guessing and go wash up so we can get back to the house."

"Actually we're not going back to the house right away."

I raise an eyebrow, "Where are we going?"

He winks at me, "It's a surprise."

I sigh, "Your last surprise ended up being Oliver. If I find out you have a pet bear I might freak out."

Charlie gives me a look, "Bears are dangerous creatures Food. Who do you think I am? Steve Irwin?"

I raise an eyebrow, "You know that he's dead right Charlie?"

He freezes shocked, "What? When? What happened? I loved that guy!"

"A few years ago. A sting ray killed him."

Charlie rubs the back of his neck, "That's terrible."

I nod, "Yeah well that's what you get for constantly angering animals."

He narrows his eyes at me, "I'm going to pretend that you didn't just suggest the Steve Irwin deserved to die."

I shrug, "Pretend away."

Charlie stomps away and I laugh to myself leaning against a tree.

He doesn't talk the whole time he's washing up and when he walks back over his hair is wet and his arms are crossed.

I laugh, "You are such a baby."

He shakes his head, "You're not helping yourself."

I stand up and take his hand. "So where are we going?"

Charlie doesn't answer, instead he just pulls me in the direction of the surprise.

"You aren't really mad at me are you?" I ask him.

"You won't tell me your name. And to top that! You said something awful about Steve Irwin!"

"Come on I was just playing." I wrap my arms around his waist.

He stops walking and purses his lips as he looks down at me, "You didn't mean what you said?"

I hold in laughter, "No."

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