Chapter 29 - The Mouth of Dan Day Lore

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7th day of the third Month, Winners Moon

3:00 am

The Caverns of Dan Day Lore

Kalen's eyes widened as a set of huge jaws opened towards him, fangs gleaming in the moonlight. He opened his mouth to shout, his muscles coiling to spring aside and something slammed into the dragon, sending her spinning away, crashing into the wall, snarling and hissing.

The boys blinked, stunned as the huge midnight dragon who followed Kalen landed, head lowered, fangs bared, planting himself firmly between the boys and the other dragon.

"Draco," Kalen breathed, his eyes still wide.

Farathra hit the ground, thrashing before righting herself, turning on Draco. They eyed each other for a moment, body quivering with tension, hackles raised.

Then Farathra shot towards Draco like an arrow. Draco's tail whipped forwards, narrowly missing her as she swerved, before he struck out with his claws, bouncing backwards, hissing and snapping.

Farathra tried to go left to get past him but he quickly stepped into her path. When she went right, his tail swung forwards, aiming for her face.

Farathra whirled backwards, avoiding the lethal whip and Draco spun towards the boys. His eyes found Kalen and he launched forwards, his head swooping down to pull Kalen away from the danger.

Kalen was still next to Zedkiel however and when Farathra saw Draco opening his jaws close to the elf, she released an ear splitting roar and fire exploded from her throat, spiralling towards Draco.

Kalen screamed at the appearance of the approaching flames and both he and Zedkiel dove under the water as Draco turned, the fire striking straight into his neck. His scales protected him but the flames distracted him and Farathra hurled herself forwards, coiling her body around him, clamping her jaws down onto his throat and squeezing as they toppled backwards into the water.

Kalen and Zedkiel resurfaced at the opposite shore where Incendio and Theth dragged them from the water.

Looking back, they gaped at the sight as the two huge beasts wrestled with each other, trying to gain the upper hand as Farathra attempted to suffocate Draco while he slammed down onto his back, crushing the air from her and making Farathra release his neck.

"Draco!" Kalen screamed.

"Farathra!" Zedkiel shouted, "Farathra, stop!"

Draco's piercing roar drowned them out, his tail whirling through the air as he tried to release himself, striking against the cave wall.

Rocks showered down making the boys cower away, hands over their heads. Theth's wings spread from his back, sheltering them from the rubble, covering his own head with his arms as a wave of water was thrown up by Draco wrenching free from Farathra.

They turned on each other, neither yet even panting, scrapes across each of them and then Zedkiel let out a scream.

The sound was so loud it was enough to make Kalen and Incendio recoil away in fright, covering their ears as Zedkiel curled in on himself, on his knees, his right hand gripping his left arm, his nails digging in as he screamed through clenched teeth, his eyes screwed up, his face twisting in agony as he pressed his forehead to the ground.

The sound made Farathra spin around and, seeing Zedkiel cowed by pain, she instantly forgot about Draco and raced towards him.

Draco, only registering that she was heading towards Kalen, shot after her.

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