6 - Banish

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7th day of the Second Month, Love's Moon



Theth stood before the throne of the King of the Angelic Realm, frozen. His body was cold, he felt ill, confused, like his wings had been strapped up and he could no longer balance. This wasn't right. This wasn't... He hadn't heard correctly... had he?

"I'm sorry," he said slowly, staring at his adopted father.

The King sat before him, his huge pure white wings haloing him, his robes pristine and practically blending into the wings and the white throne. The King's golden hair stood out however, like Theth's. It fell in sweeping golden waves, framing his handsome face, bringing focus to his piercing grey eyes which looked at Theth with worry and sadness and more love then Theth could stomach at that moment.

He could not handle that much love if he had heard right.


"Theth, my child," The King said, softly, "Please, take a seat so we can discuss this, I know it is a shock, but you have nothing to fear. Come, sit." He gestured towards the smaller throne that belonged to Theth – the one he never used because the High Chamber members always looked like he just sacrificed an angel child to the demons whenever he went near it. He sank into it this time however; his expression and mind so dazed he didn't even notice the High Chamber.

At the bottom of the dais stood the fifty or so members of the High Chamber – closest to the steps – with the members of court behind them, stretching all the way to huge arching double doors. The hall stretched high above them, so high clouds drifted in and out of the glassless windows, sunset rays streaming down the white walls and across the white and silver marble floor and pillars. Raphael was also there, standing at the bottom of the steps, now dressed in a formal white robe – like everyone else. But he also stood with his parents, the only adults Theth was really close to, and that should have triggered a warning that something was wrong, they had no reason to be in the throne room after all.

So while the High Chamber glared at the audacity of the tainted foster prince sitting on the throne that had been made especially for him, Theth stared at the floor.

"No, I do not want to discuss it, I want you to repeat it," Theth said, "I did not hear correctly."

The King looked at him for a moment, then sighed. "Theth," he said gently, leaning to the side, resting his forearms on the arm of the throne, "You need to leave the Realm."

Another wave of ice hit Theth and he rubbed his face. "No, again, I didn't... just say it a—"

"Theth," The King breathed, resting a hand over the hand Theth left clenched on the arm of this throne. "It will remain the same."

"I don't understand," Theth said, his voice trembling, "Why? What did I do?" His head snapped up. "Did someone from the High Chamber say I did something? Because I swear, I have done nothing wrong."

"Theth, Theth my son, shh," The King said, his voice cutting through Theth's panic, "This is not a punishment. Believe me; I would not lose you if I had the choice."

"Then why?" Theth demanded, staring at him.

"It is to protect you."

Theth just looked at him. "What? Protect me from whom? How can sending me to the world below protect me when I am the only full grown angel in this entire Realm who knows nothing about it? This, here, right here, this is the safest place for me."

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