12. If You're Going to Fly, Fly in Style... Or With Harry Styles.

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                                                         LITTLE NOTE

Chapters are unedited from here, onwards. Things may either not make sense, or will be extremely cringey! Apologies for any typos, errors etc. I plan to rewrite pretty much all the chapters from here as soon as I can. Read at own risk :-) 

- Freya xx


12. If You're Going to Fly, Fly in Style... Or With Harry Styles.

   The wind whipped at my face as the sound of planes taking off roared in the distance.

   I squinted through the wind at the blinking lights of airport machinery, my cheeks turning red at the cold, and clutched my hoodie tighter around me. The weather had taken a turn for the worst on the ride over to the airport. 

   I’d watched the raindrops pitter-patter against the window as the sky turned a miserable shade of pewter. Not exactly the greatest beginning. Even less great than that, had been the fact that our luggage had been loaded onto the plane before us. And I hadn’t had the hindsight to hold onto a coat, thinking my sweater was enough.

   Harry had noticed that I was shivering. He’d been all too happy to hand me a ‘1D’ hoodie that was part of the merchandise they kept on hand for fans at the airport.

   “It’s a little thank you gift for welcoming us to their country.” He’d grinned at me as I slipped it on reluctantly.

   His smile got even bigger when I looked down at myself and frowned.

   “Go on, give us a twirl, then.” He waved a circle with his finger. “I think you look fetching.”

   Despite the fact that I had the boys’ faces emblazoned across my chest (a picture of them which looked like it had been taken approximately a decade ago, by the way), I wasn’t going to let that ruin this trip. Or the fact that I had a fear of flying.

   I’d  never actually been on a plane before, so I did my best to convince myself that it was just a fear of the unknown, and not the thought of a tin can suspended thirty thousand feet in the air that made my breath tighten in my throat. Our cars had driven straight through the airport’s queue and down a ramp that seemed to lead to another entrance.

   Only when we’d reappeared into daylight and pulled up beside what looked like a deserted terminal, did I realise what was happening. We got out of the car and were ushered into a building. It was nothing but a small domed structure with a roof of glass and a couple of vending machines.

   “Where are we?” I looked around in awe. We weren’t in the airport, nobody was in the building but us. Adrenaline buzzed through me. There were planes directly in front of us, fuelling up only a few metres away. We were so close, we were almost directly on the tarmac.       

   “We wait here while they get the plane ready.” Niall answered, tugging on his snapback. “Shouldn’t be too long.”

   I wasn’t exactly sure how these things worked, but from what I’d heard from other people, boarding planes was crowded and time consuming. We were in this building alone… maybe the rest of the passengers would arrive later?

   “Did we get here extra early?”

   “You did pack quite fast, sweetheart.” Paula adjusted her dress. “But no, not particularly.”

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