When We Met

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*Mike POV*

Billie Joe and I sat bored as fuck in the living room. He was in his annoying mood, because he kept making very attractive whale noises and complaining that TV melted his brain.

"What even is TV these days. I mean, what is this." He said, pointing to the TV. He made another dying whale noise. Or maybe the noise of a whale that had a melting brain.

"Billie Joe. We've been friends for as long as I can remember, and I love you very much, but you have got to shut the fuck up." I said. He looked at me, smirking. He was in his stupid mood that I hate. I got up and went to the kitchen. Suddenly I heard a huge bang. I stuck my head back into the room and saw Billie just standing there.

"Did you just smack your head off the wall?" I asked.

"Maybe." He replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because why the fuck not." He snapped.

"Are you fucking stupid? You could have made yourself bleed." As soon as I said this, I saw red on the top of his forehead. I pointed to it and he dabbed his head with his hand, seeing blood. He blinked and stepped back. "C'mere." I said, pulling him to the kitchen. I ran a towel under some warm water and dabbed his head. "This might sting a little." I said, and before he could protest I sprayed his head with wound cleaner stuff.

"Ow!" He whined. "Why does it hurt?"

"Because you ran into a wall? Oh, and because I sprayed it with wound cleaner." I said. He narrowed his eyes.

"I really fucking hate you." He said. I don't know why, but that really got to me.

I had just been trying to help, and I got an 'I hate you'.

So, I left the kitchen. I stormed back to the living room and sat on the couch, sulking. He came and sat next to me, wrapping his arms around his knees.

"Y'know I was kidding right?" He said. I shrugged.

"Sure you were. I'm just gonna go." I sat, standing up. He just sighed.

Nice to know he cared.

"Bye then." I said, walking down the hall, shaking my head.

"Please don't go." I heard. I span around and stood there, arms folded.

"Why do you care." I said. He thought for a while.

"Because... 'cause you're my friend. No, my best friend," He nodded. "Yeah."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, and he nodded again. "Prove it." He started thinking again, as I stood with my arms folded.

"D'ya remember when we first met?" He asked suddenly.

"Not really. We were 11, that was a long time ago." I said, but I went to sit next to him again.

"Yeah. I remember, though." He said.

"You do?" I asked. He nodded.

"Well, I came over and started talking about music." Billie said. As soon as he said that, I remembered.

*22 Years Earlier*

*Mike POV*

I sat in the lunch room, not even eating. I wasn't even hungry. I preferred to sit right in the corner, alone. 

Because ugh, people.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. I looked up to see a boy, a familiar boy. I'd seen him somewhere. What was name? 

"Hi." He said. I looked up at him.

"Hi." I said.

"My name's Billie Joe. What's yours?" He asked.

Billie Joe, that was it. I knew it was a country name.

"Michael." I said. He sat opposite me, leaning on his hand. I pushed my plate of untouched fries towards him, and he took one, smiling.

"Do you like music?" He asked. I nodded straight away. "What type?" He asked. 

"Punk rock." I said. He smiled straight away.

"Good. By the way, you can just call me Billie. It's quicker." He said. I nodded. "Can I call you Mike?" He asked. I nodded again. "You don't talk a lot." He commented.

"I know." I said.

"Oh god, it lives!" He said in fake astonishment. I laughed as the bell went. "What lesson do we have?" He asked.

"Maths." I said.

"Pfft. Screw that." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room.

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