Chapter 2: These are the droids I'm looking for

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I stalk out of the Cantina door, muttering curses under my breath. Damn Han! Why did he always have to go for the most troublesome job. Working for a Hutt...I'd rather die. Suddenly I realise-I didn't ask about the droids! Force, I was so 'happy' to see Han, I had completely forgotten about them! Suddenly, the comlink on my wrist starts to buzz. I check to see who it is. Commander Saponza.


I take a deep breath and answer the call, ducking into a doorway as I do so. A holo-image of Saponza pops up. "Commander Saponza" I say, trying to avoid his firm, but harsh stare.

"Agent Solo." he replies, "Have you pinpointed the location of the two droids yet?"

"Umm...not yet..." I mutter "I'm trying to find a lead, but it's damn near impossible! These droids could be in the middle of the Jundland Wastes for all I know!"

Saponza sighs and puts his head in his hand "Alright, you've only been searching for a day. I'll give you another two to at least get a lead. After that, I'm sending in more scouts. Undderstood?"

"Understood." I reply.

"Good. Saponza out." he says, and the holoimage disappears.

I sigh and rub my head with my hand. Two days until my deadline. Great. This'll be easy. I sigh and walk over to where my speeder is. If I head to Anchorhead I may get some more news. I'm about to set off when I hear two voices talking: "Ben, do you have any idea where we can find a pilot? If this R2's message is true, we need to get to Alderaan as soon as possible."

I gasp and turn around to the source of this conversation. A young boy and a relatively old man are in discussion next to a four seater speeder, in which a protocol droid and astromech droid are sitting, having some sort of disagreement. With a jolt, I realise-these are the droids I'm looking for. How could those two people have found them? "I'm not sure Luke, the main spaceport is our best guess." says the older man.

"You won't find any decently good pilots around there." I say, standing next to the boy. They both wheeled around. "Huh?" the boy says in shock.

"Who are you, and what do you mean?" the older man asks.

I roll my eyes, "My name is Hannah Solo, and I mean that you're far more likely to find a good pilot in the Cantina than in the Spaceport."

"Oh." says the boy.

"By the way," I say "Where did you get those droids from?"

They both stiffen. "Does it matter?" The man asks.

Force, they think I'm working for the Empire. "If you think I'm working for the Empire, you're wrong." I say. "I'm a scout for the alliance, and I've been searching for these droids all over the spaceport."

The boy raises an eyebrow "Really? Well, um, that's good then!"

I try to stop myself from snickering out loud. Instead, I flick my eyes into the Cantina. "Anyway, I told you my name, but you haven't told me yours." I say.

"Oh right." The boy says "I'm Luke Skywalker, and this is my friend, Ben Keno-"
"Luke!" The man says sternly, before turning to me "It's Ben, just Ben."
"Okay then, Just Ben," I say, holding in a snicker "Well, anyway, should I escort you to the cantina, or do you know your way there already?"
"We know our way. Thanks for the help, Hannah." Luke says.
"No problem," I reply.
As they both turn to leave with the droids, Luke flashes a small smile at me. Somehow, the corners of my mouth are pulled up and I find myself smiling back. I slap both my cheeks and my face returns to its normal, neutral expression. A minute later, I remember.

The droids! Mission! Stupid person Hannah! You got so carried away, you kriffing forgot what you were supposed to be doing! I put my head in my hands. I needed to get the droids, and now they were about to travel halfway across the galaxy. Great work me! Then it hits me. They need a ship. Han has a ship. They need a pilot. Han is a pilot.
I race back to the cantina, hoping that I'm not too late.
If this plan doesn't work-I'm totally screwed.

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