"What's happening?" Chapter 1

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I am currently stuffing everything I have into our 2nd backpack. Clothes, food, canteens, medications. Even things that may not be useful now but will be in the end.

"Ashlynn, what was that lady in the sky?" Ava asks after swooning over her gifts. I keep on packing, still trying to process the news.

"The Lady is our President, Violet. And she says we can come to her... palace. And we'll get food water, and you can have a pretty pink bed! But we have to go on a mission to get to her palace." I explain, trying to make this seem exciting to Ava.

"What type of mission? Do we have to fight a Tiger like Tarzan did?" She starts asking multiple questions while stroking the puppy, Fudge.

"Not like that Ava, but it will require a lot of strength." Mentally and physically.

"Hm, alright!" She shrugs, going back to playing with Fudge.

I finish packing all of our needs, including weapons. Looking at the window the sun is just setting, and I can hear the shouts of cheers ring throughout the neighborhoods. That's how I know they're here.

"Ava listen to me this is very important. You need to stay with me at all times, don't go or follow anyone else. Got it?" I instruct to her. She just nods, saluting me like an army member. I pat the top of Ava's head. I quickly put her Rapunzel backpack on her, placing Fudge in my bag so I am for sure she's safe. Right after I make sure Ava is suited with her weapons, the front door is kicked open. My eyes widen at their abrupt entrance. As their pounding footsteps march up the stairs, I practically throw Ava onto my back.

"We have been ordered by President Violet of the United States Of America to recruit you for the mission. Please follow us to the vehicle and no one gets hurt." The lead soldier shouts, many more army men behind him. Almost immediately, questions swarmed my head as I walked down the stairway. Why would they forcefully try to get us out? Who wouldn't want to take a chance and live in luxury again?

I could feel every soldier's eye on me, almost as if they were daring me to try and go back. Instead I hold my chin high, giving myself a confident posture. I know others are watching, and I'm not letting them think I'm scrawny and that they can easily steal from me. My look is calm. Almost like I didn't see a large tan tank in front of me along with other survivors.

"Back row seat six and seven." The tank driver says looking at Ava. I don't reply, I just take my seat. Scanning everyone around me. There aren't many people, since our neighborhood is so nice we didn't stand a chance against those muggers and those who went insane.

There's a buff man with dull brown eyes and a bald head. But his curly beard is ginger, giving him a dare devil look. He has on a muscle shirt, revealing a tattoo on his right arm. It's a fair vine spiraling upwards. Interesting. His ripped jeans are obviously worn out.

A boy that looks about 14 years old is next to him. His dark red hair is shaggy, and his freckles are also a maroon color. He has on a loose navy blue shirt with some sky blue and navy blue basketball shorts. I remember them, his daughter, Cassie, played with Ava a few times. From what I can tell, both the Mom and Cassie died.

Then there's Mr. Patrickson with his wife and baby girl. His dark brown hair is past due for a haircut. Brown eyes and a fierce look that could intimidate an army man. He wears the same old lumberjack type clothing.

His wife, Loretta, is standing behind him looking fragile and delicate. Her light brown hair is tied up in a loose bun. She has such light blue eyes you could misunderstand them for grey. Her face shows joy, fright, and utter shock which I didn't even think was possible.

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