"Dear Civilians" Prologue

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"Ashlynn, I'm hungry." Ava whines, tugging on the end of my shirt. Though it sound more like, "Ashwen, I'm hungwy". I look into her big tearful hazel eyes, her long orange hair tangled and dirty. I haul her into my hip, the weight slightly throwing me off balance.

"I know Ava, I'm going to try and find something from the shops in town." I reply, letting her down. She goes under her bed, grabbing a small pocket knife.

"Remember the drill Ava, go for the Achilles first. Then-" I start, but she interrupts me with an 'I Know'. Sighing, I make sure all the windows are locked.

"Bye Ava, I'll be back in about 15 minutes okay?" I inform her like I always do.

"Ok." She squeaks, some of her hair sticking out of her hiding spot. I tuck it back under, using a small backpack to block some of her face. I put my own back pack on, slipping on some baby blue tennis shoes. Making sure to strap them tightly, I can't risk tripping on my shoelace and getting mugged. Especially not during a time like this.

I walk downstairs quietly, looking through the house. Eerything is secure and locked up. I open the back door, crouching down low. The grass is high and filled with weeds. Or as Ava would call them 'flowers'. The sides of the house have a bit of mold growing on and sides and on the corners of the fence. The air smells of dead bodies, blood, and gas. I almost gag, but I know to keep quiet.

I crawl across the yard, the weeds causing my arms and knees to itch. I put my eye up to one of the holes in the fence, the cost is clear. Gripping onto the top of the fence, I throw myself over. My feet land quietly on the concrete sidewalk, successfully not bringing any attention.

I make my way into town, acting casual but still alert. The fall wind blows, giving me a nice feeling of refreshment. A strand of my orange hair flies in my face, and I tuck it securely behind my ear.

House windows are broken, ivy and growing on the sides of them. Mail boxes and stop signs are tipped over, blood on them. I grimace when fresh dead bodies enter my sight. Immediately I know that a group is nearby.

Reflexively I start ducking behind trees and bushes, avoiding any house with dogs that are alive. The group is nowhere in sight, which means they must've just left. I better wait a couple of minutes before walking again.

Taking my backpack off, I stick my hand inside. My hand wiggles around until I feel my canteen. Quickly snatching it out, I take a large gulp. I need to be hydrated in case I run into some groups. I take a look at the outfit I've been wearing for the past week.

Some ripped skinny jeans, and a baby blue shirt with the number five on it in white. My skin looks a bit more tanned, and my brown freckles stand out on my face. Some popping up on my arms and legs. My untamed, messy, tangled orange hair is already near my waistband. And my brown eyes are probably dull. With blue Nikes and my heart necklace. Bits of dirt are stuck in the wrinkles of the clothing.

About ten minutes later, I decide to get up and go again. Ignoring the bloody sidewalk and the flies swarming round them.

I hear something whine, but I ignore it.

And then I hear it again. And again.

I look around, not seeing a thing. Until I see something caught in the hole of a fence. Looking closer, I finally see it's a small puppy that can't be older than a month old. It's fur is brown, and the ears, snout, paws, and end of the tail is black.

"Poor baby." I coo, snuggling the small thing I'm my hands. It's shivering, and I remember then it might have ticks. To solve both problems, I take my jacket off and I wrap the puppy like it's a baby.

"You'll go in my backpack for now." I whisper, opening a small pouch and putting her in there. It's a she right? I quickly check, and my guess is correct.

The rest of the way is fine, no one bothers me and I easily get into a small Wal-Mart. Since the store is pretty much empty, I go into my favorite part which is always filled. You know, the room that says 'Employees Only'. Well now it should say 'Survivors Only'.

Luckily everyone else is too stupid to check in these places. Well not everyone, sometimes I find something out of place. But other than that no.

I go to the nearest stockpile, finding some medicine and snacks. And another with different juice and crackers. Stuffing everything in my backpack, or at least a much as I can. Then I remember Ava's birthday. I promised her I would get her something special.

Going deeper into the room, I look around for youth female clothes. Finally, my eyes are set on some girly looking clothes on a rack. There isn't much to choose from, but I'm sure there is something in here.

In the end, I find a pink shirt with a black butterfly on it. To go with it, I pull out some black tights with sparkles. Unfortunately, I can't find any shoes and I don't have the time to look for them. On the way out of Wal-Mart, I snatch up a little princess coloring book to keep her entertained. And a tiny bag of puppy chow, not forgetting about the little puppy I have.

Perfect, I could use the puppy as a birthday present to Ava. But mainly a little treat for myself.

When I walk out of Wal-Mart, everything is calm and collected like how it was when I entered.

About 1/3 of my way home, a large hologram displays in the sky. President Violet's face appears as the plane rides around.

"Dear civilians, I have an opportunity for all of you. The 1st 100 people to make it to each corner of America, Arizona, Florida, Maine, and Washington, where our headquarters are located. Will be provided with food, water, shelter, luxuries of the life you had before. But remember, only the 1st 100 to each Arizona, Florida, Maine, and Washington will be accepted. Anyone else who tries to get in will be executed. We will gather all of you at sundown to place you at the border of Kansas and Nebraska. Where your challenge will begin of course. Thank you for listening, remember, it's live or die."

The hologram shuts off and the planes speeds away, leaving a Kim trail behind them.

I have to go.

And now.

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