Chapter 10: The Crappy Escape

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We landed in an open area in the woods not to far from Sera's house. As we got off the helicopter, the leader of the team got on his radio and listened to his orders. Ross was undoubtedly on the other end of the radio. "Chloe, I'm going to escape, tonight. I thought you should know so you can make yours too." I whispered. I didn't want her to die because of me. So I'm giving her a chance to run. "But there's a bomb in you, you'll die before you get to far." Chloe said looking generally concerned. "Well let's hope that I can get to Sera before they do." I said with a little smile.

"Alright, here's the plan." The leader of our team started to say. "Were going to split up into two teams. We will then make our way to the targets house, locate her, and then Jack here..." He nodded toward me "...well engage and kill her." Great that means I could try and get to her first. "Jack you are with me, Ramirez, Wilson, and Hickory. Everybody else your team two. Let's move." I glanced back at Chloe one final time, not knowing what will happen in the near future.

As we were walking around in the woods moving toward Sera's house, I felt kind of weird, like someone was watching me. Well in any case I knew I was being watched by my group. "Once we get visual range of the targets house, well set some explosives around the perimeter, just in case the vampire tries to run this way. Oh and I have the detonator to your bomb. So don't do anything stupid." Like I was going to forget that. But of course I'm going to do just that, something stupid.

About five minutes have gone by and we see Sera's house. He men start putting down c4 explosives. I then feel like someone is looking at me. I look around, its none of the men in the group. But I still feel it. Then the radio ,the commander had, started freaking out, with static and crackling. I don't know the commanders name, which I didn't care anyway, Bob...I'll call him Bob. So Bob put the radio to his mouth.
"Squad two what's going on, report."
"Sir, we are under attack by unknown hostiles, we believe its vampires but something about them is weird. Shoot it, it gots Jeff." We hear gun fire in the radio, and two seconds after it, the sound came from across the woods. I took the radio. "Describe the creatures to me." I spoke in the radio. Bob snatched it back. "Hands off, unless you want to be all over the ground. Squad two what do the creatures look like?...squad two...Taylor!" Bob was now getting frustrated. I was going to use this to my opportunity to get the detonator, when I heard on the radio. "Sir, Taylor is dead sir. It's just me and one other." It was Chloe's voice. "What happened, O'Neill?" Bob asked. His face was priceless. "They were gray, moved with incredible speed and had multiple Sharp teeth. It looked almost like a vampire mixed with a shark." Chloe said. She sounded scared. I took the radio once more. "I told you...I would.." Bob started to say but I cut him off. "I couldn't care less, I know what these creatures are. Chloe listen to me, what you are facing are ghouls, they are the undead servants of vampires. They are extremely hard to kill. Is anyone else alive?" I asked worried. "Yes one." Chloe answered. "Good stick together, and watch your back." I said. She knew what I meant by watch your back. "Roger that" this is bad.

"We need to abort the mission!" I exclaimed
"I will determine when we quiet, me NOT YOU! Bob yelled. "Fine, you worry about the ghouls, I will go kill the vampire." Bob thought about this for a moment then took the radio off of his belt. "O'Neill, let me talk to the other survivor." A few seconds pass. "What can I do for you sir?"
"If I don't radio in in five minutes confirming the death of the target, kill the girl." Bob said that looking at me. "Yes, sir" great, now I have to kill this group of retards, find Chloe and kill the guy she's with, in a forest infeasted with ghouls who serve some mystery vampire....I've done worse faster. First things first I have to get rid of this bomb. "Can I get a weapon to kill the target with?" I asked not knowing if I would. "Here take this" One of the guys said while handing me a.....little butter knife. They chuckled. Well at least its a knife. I turned toward the house and started walking. While I was walking I stabbed my left kidney and started rummaging through it. Nothing. I stabbed the right one and heard a thud sound. Bingo. I took the bomb out. It was a little big, big enough to fit in my hand completely. I turned toward the group and walked toward Bob. I passes one of his unlucky merry men, slit his throat so that Bob can see. He pulled the detonator out. "Finally, I get to kill you." He boasted. I threw the bomb and he caught it with his free hand. The others trained there guns on me. "Tell the devil I said hi." And with that I threw the knife at his thumb he had over the button, slicing the part where his thumb and palm meet, forcing his thumb on the button. I moved behind a thick tree when the ground shook, along with the trees around me, with a force so powerful, it blasted around the tree I was behind. After everything settled I looked at my handy work, and Bob wasn't kidding, I would have bee all over the ground, like he was. I smiled and ran off toward the direction I heard he gun fire earlier.

This was a wonderful start to a crappy escape.

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