Chapter 3: The Fateful meeting

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"I can't believe the nerve on the Captain." Chloe thought while racing toward the last known location for the priority one target only known at this point as Shadow.

"The Captain has no right to make me go make a vampire fall for me. More like get me killed." Chloe was going over the Intel about the situation.

"Let's see the Target started his attack somewhere in a neighbourhood with a few small time crooks and then was chased off by the local police, then was cornered in an alley where he fought two police officers and knocked them out cold, now he's hiding out in an old apartment building were police have surrounded him."

"Thank God that we were able to keep them from going would have been a massacre. I still don't know how I'm even going to get close to him. I guess I'll have to deal with that once I get there."

On arrival to the seen Chloe then makes her way up a old fire escape and enters the building. "If I were a vampire where would I be hiding." Chloe said softly. Then Chloe felt a breeze right next to her.

"Where indeed" I said hiding in the shadow of the hall.
"I mean you no harm please let me talk to you I can help you." Chloe said trying to sound brave.
"I hear a bit of fear in your voice that's to be expected. Tell me how do you know what I am." Another gust of wind. This time slower and Chloe saw a trail of thick liquid leading to a dark corner. "I am a cadet in the vampire hunters acadamy. I was assigned to find you and...." Chloe hesitated "...uh help you."

"Help me, help me how?" I asked as I winced in pain."I need to get these bullets out soon or it'll cause real problems" I muttered. "I was hoping you could tell me what's wrong with you" Chloe said gently, inching towards me. "I shouldn't trust someone from the Hunters Guild. But for some reason I feel like your not all bad." I hesitantly came out of the corner. "I'm wounded, bullets. I need them out or I won't heal."

"Okay we need to leave and soon, the rest of the hunters are coming." Chloe said looking out the nearest window.
"Okay fine I will go with you but since you a hunter I don't know if I can trust you." I said trying to get a read on this girl. She certainly looked okay, but there was something about her that was off than any regular human. It was weird I couldn't sense her thoughts. Okay weirdness level 7. That never happens especially with one as powerful as myself. I would have to figure out her motives later for now I need a doctor.

"Did you have a plan on getting us out of here...uh...I never did get your name miss..." "Chloe...Chloe O'Neill. What can I call you." Oh man....I haven't had to use my real name for years now. I guess an alias wouldn't hurt. "Oh uh my name is Jack."

"Well Jack, we need to get you a doctor, but we can't let them find out what you are." "I know someone who might help. Let's hope she dosnt hold a grudge for a hundred years."

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