Chapter 6: An Old Friend

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After the introductions with Sera, Chloe helped move the dead guy to the back yard where there was a large fire pit in the middle of the yard. They put the guy in the pit and gathered wood from a pile next to the shed. After a few minutes of sorting wood around him, Sera grabbed gasoline and handed it to Chloe.

"Here, pour it on him and throw a match in with him."
"Um why can't you do it? I want to go check on Jack."
"Is that what he told you his name was? Well vampires and fire don't mix well. I'll go check on him and when your done, then you can check on him." Sera said that with a bit of anger in her voice. "Wait what...Jack isn't his real name? That cheeky little liar."

After lighting the pit on fire Chloe walked back into the house went straight for the living room. In the living there was a fire place on the far wall. Above that was a stuffed wolf's head that looked like it was alive with the dancing shadows giving of by the light from the fire. Sera wasn't any where to be seen. Then Chloe heard the sound of a shower turning on up stairs. Chloe walked over and sat on the floor next to me. After a long day she needed to sleep. Of course she didn't want to leave me so she laid her head down on my chest. "You have some explaining to do...when your awake." And with that her eyes closed.

"Chloe......Chloe wake up." Chloe slowly opening her eyes to something unexpected. "Jack what is it?" Chloe opened her eyes fully to see that Jack was not the one waking her up. "Its me child Sera, he's not here. "WHAT!" Chloe stood and started looking around. "Where is he?" Chloe felt like her heart was about to explode. "I don't know child but when I got out of the shower, not only was the door fixed but he was gone, and there was this." Sera handed Chloe a folded up peice of paper that read For Chloe.

Chloe opened the paper...

Dear Chloe,
I appreciate all of your help and your honesty with me, and for that I shall be honest to you. It is without a doubt that Sera may have mentioned that Jack was not my real name...she is correct, for once, its Cyrus. I have began to trust you. I don't know why, I really don't trust anyone but you are a special young woman, and I would hate to hurt you. So I'm leaving this note to let you know that...I may have kissed you while you slept....but I didn't that was a lie. Anyway thank you for being a good person to something like me.
Sera I know you read this. Take care of her until the morning. I know we had our differences, i'll owe you and we both know how much you like me oweing you.

"He's gone...why.... I thought.."
"Thoughts can be deceiving child. Anyway I will look after till morning." Sera spoke softly.
"Did you know him well?" Chloe asked Sera.
"Once, he was and still may old friend."

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