Chapter 3: Meet The Family and House

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Gisele and I became closer friends the longer we were around each other. After two more months, we got Gisele completely comfortable with our school. You never would have even guessed that she was new. It had taken nine weeks but I finally invited her to come over to my house for a weekend.

We said goodbye to Kai in theater class that Friday and began to walk to the busses. However, just the person I was trying to avoid suddenly stepped in the middle of my path.

"Skylar. Gisele. "

"Hello Ryder," I mumbled, "what do you want?"

"No need to sound so icy! I just wanted to know if you're riding with me and mom home."

I turned to Gisele, "Do you want to?"

She smiled apologetically, "If it's faster than the bus-"

"Oh it is," smirked Ryder, "Mom's waiting out front. " With scorn written on his face, he marched over to Opal and his other friends.

"I'm sorry!" Gisele protested as we walked out of the building, "I didn't want to sound mean!"

"It's fine," I sighed, "it's not that big of a deal. Just my pride."

"Hey," Gisele stopped me, "what's your problem with Ryder anyways?" I felt bad for never really explaining to her, I mean it had been at least two and a half months since she had come, but I didn't want to go into all the details right as we were getting into his parents' car.

"I'll tell you later," I whispered as we sled into the back of his mom's white jeep.

"Hello Mrs. Cube!"

"Good afternoon dear!" She responded enthusiastically. "And who is your friend?"

"This is Gisele Watts."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Cube. I know your son, Ryder," Gisele said primly.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Speak of the devil-" she exclaimed as Ryder strode towards us.

"Hey mom! Ladies, I hope you don't mind me getting shotgun so you can sit together in the back."

"Sure," I replied, "take the front!"

Gisele narrowed her eyes and glanced between Ryder and me. I could tell her gears were turning and she was extremely confused. Ryder had gone from being charmingly rude to charmingly helpful while I went from appearing exasperated to very grateful and pleasant. I flashed her a look that said "I'll tell you later" then turned to Ryder's mom. "Did you have a busy day today, Mrs. Cube?"

"Well, as you probably know, your family is coming over for dinner tonight so I have been cooking and cleaning. Other than that though, I've had a very laid back day. What about you dear?" I actually hadn't known we were going over to Ryder's. Shock and apprehension coursed through my system.

"Wait, you didn't tell me they were coming over, mom," Ryder questioned through a tight smile.

"I didn't know either, if that makes you feel any better," I added.

"It was a surprise! Skylar's mom and I believe that you two should hang out without all the pressures of school and peers. Also, your sister wanted to have a play date with hers."

"I already can't wait Mrs. Cube!" I oozed, "especially for YOUR food! Would you mind if Gisele comes?"

"Of course not! Gisele, you seem like a lovely girl and you are always welcome in our home!When I say peers I mean mostly Ryder's friends, they are all extremely nice, but I think he secretly prefers to hang out with Skylar without them all here." Ryder's cheeks turned bright red as Gisele stared at me, shell shocked with laughing eyes.

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