• unfortunate events and fainting •

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• chapter twenty four •

(For the couple chapters I will be using 3rd POV ;)) )

Lia tucked a brown lock behind her ear, her hands fluttering down her dress to smooth the wrinkles appearing on the fabric.

She then, tilted her head in confusion. Usually, Kelly would be laughing loudly along with the 3 boys behind the door. It was always happy and cheery around their small home.

Her hand came up to knock but once her knuckles came into contact with the wood, the door eerily creaked open ajar.

Lia cleared her throat, her palms beginning to drip with sweat as paranoia coursed through her. Her heart beat increased rapidly.

She then chuckled quietly to herself but it was uneasy. Lia was thinking of the typical scary movies. The door would open ajar, the girl would stupidly call out, and walk in -- causing herself to become a target and get kidnapped or hurt.

Her foot stepped inside but she suddenly hesitated, removing her sandal clad foot instantly.

Lia turned and rushed to her car but froze in her steps, what if Kelly was hurt? The boys?

Her fingers grasped her phone and she tugged it out of her purse, pulling open the emergency phone call, her fingers ready to press the 3 numbers. She then, walked inside.

Darkness engulfed her immediately, a cold sweat rolling down her face. It was quiet -- too quiet.

Lia swallowed harshly, her hands coming up blindly to find the light switch. She found it and flicked it on, the light fluttering on. "Jared? Kelly? Boys?" Lia gently called when no one emerged.


She felt her eyes and throat stinging but washed those feelings away. Lia couldn't be jumping to anything when she hadn't even completely walked inside of the house.

Her fingers clutched the phone tighter, her thumb itching to slam her thumb pad onto the green button.

Lia proceeded to walk inside of the house, checking the most likely places they could be -- the kitchen, the dining room, and the family room. They were no where to be seen.

Did they go somewhere? No. The car is still in the driveway. Did Jared forget? No. Kelly would've reminded him.

Lia felt her breathing hitch as the blackness of upstairs began to creep towards her. She swallowed down her jumping heart and clutched onto the staircase railing.

She began to climb the many stairs and went to Jared's room automatically. Lia pushed open the door and turned the light on.

Tears brimmed her eyes, bile flooding into her mouth.

A noose was tied tightly to the ceiling fan that was spinning gently. Jared was spinning along with it, his body limp with his head lolled to the side. His once glittering brown eyes were lifeless and wide open, Jared's mouth slack. His fingers were curled around the thick rope, obvious that he was clawing at it but gave up. Blood stained the tan colored rope, streaming down in thick rivers.

Hot tears fell from her eyes, sobs tumbling from her mouth. Her hand slammed to her mouth, hoping to silence them but that made them louder.

"Hello, this is 911, how may I help you?"

"H-help! My boyfriend!" she screamed, her eyes then caught a piece of paper taped to his chest. It was dried with blood but she plucked it off shakily.

The nigger is gone and you're finally mine. You should've learned to stay with your kind instead of wandering into the other kind. Now, look what you've done, Lia.

Lia cried out as she screeched the answers to the calm operator, hyperventilating as she sobbed and cried loudly.

She blindly ran through the house, slamming open the doors to see Kelly hanging from her ceiling fan as well. The boys were beat until they were unconscious, stabbed in the heart, the tip of the knife handle only poking out.

Lia threw up continually, gagging as acid burned her throat as there was nothing else to come up. The operator demanded her to stay on the line but her vision was filled with stars, her eyes sliding closed, collapsing onto the floor.


Hi :))

Part 2 guys !

I think there are (most likely I think lol idr remember) 2 more chapters including the ending. <or more ?

I really hope you're enjoying this story and thanks so much for sticking with me till the end bc it's coming to an
end !

And if you have any ideas for any new stories (I'm going to be creating one after this one) please comment or inbox me !! I really want to hear your ideas ! :D <3


What's your favorite food from your religion/culture/race ?

MA: Since my mom is Asian (Laotian), from her culture, I think my favorite food would have to be homemade egg rolls :P lol

Thanks for reading and I hoped you
enjoyed !

Oh, guys I think I'm just going update on Fridays and not have a certain time bc I cannot keep up with it -- it is so difficult lol.

~ babygirl mida

P.S. Dedicated to @cinnamon-kizzy and many other newer readers ! (this was made before so the newer readers aren't tagged ! thanks though !) Thank you so much <33

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