Chapter 5

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It was a snowy Friday morning, frost glazing the windows and a white sheet covering the castle grounds. But that particular day, a small task was all that was needed to send Elizabeth off the edge.

"Headmaster, with the greatest respect, Tom Riddle and I... Well, we don't really see eye-to-eye," she explained, nervously rubbing the back of her neck as she gave Headmaster Dippet the best smile she could.

"Nonsense, Miss Marin! Mr Riddle has informed of us of your friendship," the headmaster refused, shaking his head, "We understand that asking you to do research on a weekend is a little much..."



Elizabeth was just settling into the library with her newly-discovered pile of Transfiguration textbooks. She had a test coming up and she wanted to defeat Riddle the best she could.

"Miss Marin?" The librarian called out in a soft voice as she swerved around the corner, resting a pale hand with neatly-manicured nails on a nearby bookcase.

"Yes?" Elizabeth replied politely, ripping her gaze away from the textbooks.

"The headmaster requires you," the librarian whispered before scurrying off back to her front desk, talking to a few first-years about where to find the Defense Against The Dark Arts section.

Elizabeth sighed, rushing to put the books away before leaving the library and heading to his office.

"Professor?" She called as she knocked on the door. She was granted entry and she walked in, smiling.

"I'm glad you have arrived! Pity, Mr Riddle just left," the headmaster said with a look of content, "I have a task for the both of you."

"Yes, Professor?" Elizabeth urged.

"You must stay in Hogsmeade for the weekend," he began, eyes searching for Elizabeth's reaction, "You and Mr Riddle are very talented. It has come to our knowledge that it may not be completely safe there. Do not get involved in anything. We would just like you to observe."

"Tom agreed to this?" Elizabeth asked in astonishment. She certainly didn't expect him to agree to staying with her, even if he was a role model student.

"Yes, he was completely up for it!" Dippet cheered, happiness raining from his features.

End of Flashback

Elizabeth regretted it as soon as she spoke but she knew she was making the right choice when she told him, "Okay, Professor. I'd be happy to partake."

"Fantastic," Dippet replied, his smile growing even wider, "You two will be seen off by Professor Dumbledore, eight am sharp."

With that, Elizabeth left. She groaned as soon as she left - why had she been brought into this? She turned around, leaning her fists against the wall and taking a breath.

"Frustrated, are you?"

How could her day have gotten any worse?

"Riddle, l'm not in the mood," she hissed, trying to walk past him. He grabbed her wrist.

"Listen, Marin. I'm not completely thrilled by this news either, alright? Just think of how highly they'll think of you if you put up with me for an entire weekend. Although, it might be hard for you not to lose your cool, constantly being in my shadow," Tom teased, releasing his grasp on her wrist. She snarled at him before walking in the direction of the Slytherin common room.

Tom stared after her. Other than being naturally intelligent, what else had he done to make her hate him so much?

In his eyes, it was nothing.

In hers, he was a gloat. He was gluttonous when it came to glory and fame, taking it overboard with his constant bragging and teasing that Elizabeth wasn't in the limelight.

Elizabeth wasn't one to hog attention. But there was something she craved more than anything - authority over Tom Riddle.

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