10- Chaos

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(Kylee POV)
As I walk on to the porch and see Cason sitting there my heart sinks knowing that he had saw Drew drop me off and has figured out exactly where I had been all night. "Cason I can explain," I say as I grab his arm to stop him from walking off. "Kylee I don't want to here your excuse because it's very clear where you where," he say yanking his arm from my hold. "I'm sorry," I blurt out part of me really meaning it. "Sorry for what he is your husband it's my stupid mistake thinking things were over between you two and that you would never go running back to him," he says angrily as he storms into the house. "Please just listen to me," I beg him as I follow into the house behind him. "Kylee what is there to talk about its obvious you don't want to be with me anymore so just leave me alone," he says angrily as he continues to walk away from me. Giving up for now I make my way to my room where I gather up my thing and begin shoving them in a bag.

After packing my things I begin making my way out of the house and to car. Just before I made it out the door I was stopped by Carter. "Kylee what's wrong why are you leaving," he says with a worried look. "I just need to get away for awhile," I say as I go around him and open the front door. "But why what happened?" he ask as he follows me out of the door. "It's nothing, I just have really messed things up with everyone and I don't want to be a bother to anyone," I say as I continue making my way to the car. "Kylee please don't leave," he begs me with hurt in his eyes. "I promise I'll be fine I just really need to get away for awhile," I say before getting into my car leaving  Carter standing in the driveway looking confused.

(Carter POV)
Seeing Kylee leave the house made me very confused and angry, I was determined to get to the bottom of this. After her car pulled out of the driveway I make myself back into the house and head to Cason's room. I knock on his door and wait for him to answer and when he came to the door he looked like he was in about the same mood as Kylee. "What happens between you and Kylee," I ask him already figuring out that he had some involvement in her leaving. "We got into a argument after I saw her being dropped off by Drew this morning and she didn't stay here last night," he say in and angry tone. "So Kylee stayed at Drew's house last night?" I ask him trying to understand what happened. "Yes and I believe they did more then just sleep," he says running his hands through his hair as he try's to keep his self calm. "I'm sorry man but they are married so you can't really be mad, and you have to understand Kylee and Drew always end up together," I say trying to comfort him since I have been caught in the middle of their love for each other before. "I know they are married but I thought they were over and I have really fallen for Kylee and it hurt me to see them two together," he says sadly. "Have you told her how you feel, or have you even asked her to be your girlfriend because Kylee is one that has to be told you want to be with her," I tell him honestly. "Ok I will go tell her, but I'm not sure how much good it's going to do," he says as he get us to make his way out the room. "Cason she isn't here she packed all of her stuff and left," I inform him. "Where was she going?" He says with concern in his eyes. "I have no idea, she wouldn't say, she just said she needed some time to herself," I tell him. "Well I'm going to do everything I can to find her before I have to go back home," he says with determination. "I will do all I can to help you find her, you might want to start by going to my moms house," I tell him.

A knock on the door causes me to leave Cason and go answer it. I open the door to see Drew standing there looking like he had been crying. "I can't get Kylee to answers her phone so I came here hoping you would know where she is," he says as he enters into the house. "I'm sorry I don't know where she is," I say feeling bad for him. "I have to get her back I love her and I am not going to loose her to some other guy," he says determined. "I'm glad you feel that way but you need to know that Kylee left early and didn't tell anyone where she was going," I tell him honestly. "That's ok she will have to show up for work Monday so if I can't find her then I will just go talk to her then," he says as he takes a seat on the couch. "Look why don't you go call mom and see if she may know where she is," I say knowing she usually tells our mother everything. "Ok I'll try that," he says as he gets up and leaves the house. As he leaves I feel relief not wanting to have to deal with a confrontation between Drew and Cason.

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