9- Thinking Of You

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(Kylee POV)
As I lay in bed after my date with Cason the only thing I can think of is how different Drew acted tonight and how much his actions reminded me of why I fell in love with him in the first place. I pick up my phone and dial Drew's number but instead of calling him I decide to just text him, "are you awake."
I lay in the darkness as I wait for him to reply and after what seemed like forever my phone lit up the dark with a message from drew, "yes, what's up?" "I was just thinking of us and how much I miss everything we had together," I text back hoping he would understand what I meant. I begin to patiently wait his reply but the message that came across my phone wasn't at all what I expected it to be as I read the words "I'm on my way over," my heart begin to do a leap for joy. I jump out of bed and without think of putting on clothes I slip on some shoes and head outside in my shorts and tank that I had been sleeping in. Not wanting to wake anyone I quietly make my way out of my room, down the stairs and out the front door. I sit on the porch and watch the rain as I wait for Drew to get here.

I watch as Drew's car comes into view and without thinking I ran out into the rain and get into his car. "Kylee your soaked, " he says as he pushes strands of hair out of my face. My eyes lock with his and all the feelings I had for him come rushing back to me as if they had never left and everything that had happened between us didn't matter to me. "Take me home," I say to him breathless from all the emotions I was feeling. "Are you sure," he says as his hand continues to linger on my face. I shake my head yes and he immediately begin to pull out of the driveway and head to what once was home to me.

(Drew POV)
When she text me I just knew I had to see her in hopes that this would be my chance to win her back. I had know I idea that we would end up back at the apartment. As we make our way into the house I can help but fell happy to see he standing in our home again. I watch her as she begins to make her way to our room and I just stand frozen not wanting to do anything that may ruin my chances of winning her back. A few minutes after she entered the room I decided to follow after her. "Kylee we need to get you out of those wet clothes before you get sick," I say as I walk past her and to my dresser to find her something to sleep in. "I know that's why I came in here," she says as she comes and takes the clothes out of my hand. She walks to the bathroom that connects to our room and closes the door but leaving it open slightly. I watch as she begins to undress and even though her back was facing me my heart begin to speed up. After she slips into my shirt she turns catching me watching her. "I'm sorry," I stammer out knowing I had been caught. Without a word she walks up to me and places her lips on mine. Stunned at first by her actions I didn't kiss her back instead broke the kiss and held her at arms length. "Kylee i don't think that's a good idea because if we start this I may not be able to control myself," I say looking into her eyes as I try to read her. "Drew I want this, I want you," was all she said before I broke down and gave in to her.

I woke up to find Kylee still sleeping beside me. Not wanting to wake her I get up and make my way to the kitchen where I begin cooking us both breakfast figuring we both could probably use it after our activities last night. After finishing cooking breakfast I take it to our room places it on the bedside table and climb back on the bed. "Kylee wake up, I cooked us some breakfast," I say as as I places kisses on her back. With a moan she rolled over revealing her beautiful smile. I kiss her lips gently before grabbing the food as she sits up in the bed. "The food smells amazing," she says before starting to eat.

(Kylee POV)
After showering and getting dressed back in my now clean clothes I had worn yesterday I begin to think of everything that had happened last night and how amazing it was to feel the connection I have always had with Drew again. With Drew in the shower I picked up my phone to call Carter and let him know where I was so he wouldn't freak but as I unlock my phone I see a lot of missed calls and messages from Cason. "Oh I forgot about Cason how could I do this to him when all he has been is good to me," I say to myself as I begin to call Cason back. "Kylee I was freaking out are you ok," Cason says into the phone as soon as he answered. "Yes I'm fine," I say back to him hoping to calm him some. "Where are you, and I will come get you," he say not knowing that I'm with Drew. "No you don't have to do that I will be home soon, I just stayed at a friends house last night," I lied not wanting him to know the truth. "Ok we'll be safe and I will see you when you get here," he says before hanging up the phone. "Who was that on the phone," Drew says as he comes up behind me wrapping his arms around me. "I have to go home," I say wiggling out of his embrace. "Well I thought we could go get your things and move you back home," Drew says with a huge smile. "Drew I'm not moving back here," I say in frustration. "But I thought after last night you were going to come back to me," he say in confusion. "Drew what we did last night wasn't fair to you or to Cason," I say feeling broken. "Kylee I could care less about Cason, your my wife and if you want to come back home then you shouldn't worry about what anyone thinks," he say getting angry. "I don't know what I want ok," I scream out. "So this is how it's going to be you sleep with me then go back the the other guy," he say slamming his fist into the wall. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for last night to happen," I say with tears in my eyes. "Kylee I know you still love me so why want you admit it to yourself," he says as he walks back up to me. "No Drew just take me home," I beg of him. "Fine but just know if you go back to him I can't promise I'll be here when you finally realize it's me you want to be with," he says as he grabs his keys off the table and angrily heads out the door. The ride to the house was a silent one and as we pulled up to the house I got out of the car and he pulled off without a word. I begin to make my way to house but as I step on the porch I see a very hurt looking Cason sitting on the porch.

Authors Note:
Kylee really got herself into a predicament, how will she fix it and who will see decide to be with when this is all said and done?

Save Us Not! (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz