the patane chain chapter 2 FAWNS P.O.V.

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 I .. am seymour. the man said blankly.

And i hope you know where you are.

um no mister sorry but i have no clue where i am and who you are and i think i am going crazy just to sum things up. i said as sarcastically as possible. 

sorry Seymour chuckled again. i was starting to get really annoyed at this guy. sorry seymour said. i probably should of said that a bit more understanding for you.

you got that right i said under my breath but seymour didnt seem to hear.

anyway this is fort power.

fort whaaaat??? i said looking at seymour like he was a wacko. ( which he probably was!)

Fort power, seymour said impatiently.

i breathed in deeply and out very slowly and i rubbed my eyes.

i opened my eyes thinking i should be home eating dinner with my adopted dad, matt.

but instead here i was sitting on a hard wooden chair,a girl behind me who could lift a horse, and an old dude named seymour who i was starting to think was a bit senile.

 ok mister you probably have me mixed up with another camper in this little summer camp  and i really need to get home now so..

seymour cut me off mid sentence and said then how can you explain you got here by portal and you have the patane crest in your bag??

my what and where? i said a little to fast.

the sand portal sent to your house at 03 hours and the patane family crest in your bag. also that you saw a mush monster on the road.

a mush what and whats the patane crest?

a mush monster seymour said simply is a green or blue monster with a mushed face like a pug. it can turn into different sizes and in your case it appeared to be in full form.

this guy must be really crazy! and the patane crest? i demanded.

ahh. i knew we would get there seymour said softly.

get where? i practically shouted. my head felt like it was spinning and i felt like i was going to puke any time now...

well seymour said interupting my thoughts.

well that sword and sheild charm is actually  a weapon, a good luck charm,  a protecter, and a crest.

see if you flip it then you have a sword in your hand and a shield protecting you. if you speak to it then it will give you advice. and if you are in a time of great need something good will happen as long as you have this with you. we call it the patane crest around here. only people who come through the portal with a specific charm are allowed through the barriers. in your case your charm is the patane crest which is very rare.

so that means... his voice trailed off. whats your name? seymour suddenly spat.

mm.. my names fawn patane. ..

now it was my turn to trail off in thought.

the patane crest. the mush monster. my names fawn PATANE. as in the patane crest. how can this all be real??

seymour.. i said in a shaky voice.

seymour whispered, your fawn patane. daughter of ed and angie patane? and.. seymour suddenly drew in a sharp breath. and seymour repeated, sister of sarah patane.

SAY WHAT?? i said. i .. i dont have a sister.

oh yes you do, seymour said.her name is sarah patane now sarah riders.

but she will always be sarah patane.

i dont have a sister. and my parents are at a desserted island somewhere and people have a search party for them.

they.. they were stranded there on an expedition. no they werent. they were really lost in the red sea battling monsters to keep the foundation alive.

seymour said. seymour was now staring at me with such fascination it was starting to creep me out. 

what foundation?? i said.

why the 3rd and last foundation. the crest foundation. the crests of the saharahs, the wells, the huffs, the frederiques,the banks, the olesons, and more. and of course seymour smiled. the patanes. they are one of the rarest families.  now go to bed.

go to bed ? how am i supposed to go to bed after..seymour pushed me onto a cot and placed two fingers on my forehead and i felt myself falling, falling asleep.

thx guys that was the second chapter i hope you like it i tried hard just try to answer this one question: what do you think fawn thinks of her sister?oh and this chapter is dedicated to bailey gawrych and emma huff i never thought i would get such a good idea from them they helped me create this chapter. the next chapter is dedicated to madison burnstein she is one of the characters but with a different name. thx just think on that!! oh and myl3na rocks you guys should totally read her book guys gonna update soon!!!

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