{Puzzle Piece 33} - Unwanted Voices

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She ran down the empty and bare corridor, her black shoes slapping against the pristine flooring. Her hair was floating and swishing behind her head creating a blur of brown behind her. Her breaths were frantic and irregular and her heart was thumping in her chest. Her bag was flying behind her as she tried to get away from her thoughts, and the voices.

They were calling for her again. Crowding her mind with thoughts that weren't hers, that shouldn't have been hers. He had promised that they wouldn't come back. He said that they had run away and that she wouldn't have to hear them again.

But he lied

He had lied to her

And the voices were back in her head

And this time they were angry

She was scared of what they wanted from her this time. Her already frenzied breathing haltered as she heard one particular voice. It was the one that haunted her dreams and had now come to haunt her mind once more.

The voices anger was trying to flow through her body and get out of her brain, but she wouldn't let it. It was tempting, because it felt so sweet the first few moments but then it turned bitter and all you could feel was anger. The pain it was causing her didn't matter she couldn't let them out of her mind or else terrible, terrible, things would happen. Just like what had happened last time, she had let her guard down for one moment and every thing had gone to hell, except this time; she knew something worse would happen.

They were whispering in her ears now, and they were getting impatient and their voices were getting louder and louder by the second. Their screams of rage filling up her mind and blocking her ears, she tried to shake them off but to no avail. It just made them louder. She could hear the brash and commanding laugh that belonged to 'him', it stood out amongst the rest like a diamond in the rough.

He had been true to his word, just like he said he would be.

He had told her that he would be back and that she would never be able to get rid of him. No amount of distance could save her mind from him, not even if he was miles underneath the ground. He was like a limb that she could never get rid off, no matter how hard she tried to cut it off it wouldn't go away. She didn't want him anymore, he was constantly following her, tracking her thoughts and commenting his opinion and trying to get her to do horrible and gruesome things.

She wanted him gone.

But that just made him want to stay even more.

He pleasured him self off of her suffering.

He laughed at her scared thoughts.

He enjoyed making her life miserable.

And he took pride in being the one who was so close to driving her over the edge.

It was taking too much of her energy to keep him inside her mind, and only her mind. Her head was beginning to pound and her heart was pumping panic through her blood and body. She felt like collapsing but she knew she couldn't. She had to do it; she had to make it to the safe place.

A cool wave of fresh air blasted her skin as she frenetically pushed open the rooftop door. The cool air sending a rush of relief through her veins replacing the panic that once flowed through her veins

No one would find her here.

She would be safe.

So she did the only thing that she knew would keep her safe. She slowly stepped towards the edge of the rooftop. Her heart was now calm as she told herself that she wouldn't have to hear the voices anymore. She smiled slightly when she heard him crying out in rage as he realized what she was going to do. He was trying to persuade her not to do it pretending like he cared about her. But he was lying. He never cared about her, only about himself, and her doing this would been that he wouldn't be able to haunt her mind.

Taking a deep breath she stepped forward her feet leaving the rooftop floor as she threw herself forward. She finally eased her mind by letting his thoughts escape her mind, letting the sweetness of it consume her as she flew closer to the ground from the top of the 10 story building.

She was laughing now.

The sweetness of it all seemed to block out the voices as they fled her mind and slowly took control of her body.

But they were to late.

Because by the time they had gained full control she had already hit the ground with the ghost of a smile on her lips.

Her last thought lingering in her mind 'The voices can no longer haunt me and fill my mind'

The pleasant feeling of the voices leaving was the last thing she every felt.

The unwanted voices had finally left her mind.

But she never got to rest in peace.

No distance could keep her safe.

Not even death.

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