{Puzzle Piece 17} - Glass Wall

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I can see her pain in her eyes

I can hear her cries

I hear her sobbing in her sleep

All she seems to do is weep

And as I look into the mirror and stare

I look and find her standing there

On the other side of the glass wall

That hides it all

Only I can see her

But as she stands there looking oh so small

I can see her slowly crumple into a ball

She wants to hide away

She wants to fly away

Instead she is stuck on that other side of the glass wall

The wall that forces her to crumple into a ball

I can hear her scream and shout

But the words just never seem to come out

She cries for days upon days

But all of them blend into a blurry haze

A haze of tries and screams and words

She continuously tries to fly like a bird

A voice that never gets to be heard

That glass wall will stand in her way

Until her prince comes to take her away

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