{Puzzle Piece 5} - Could That Be Me?

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I can see my reflection staring back at me

My eyes can't believe what they see

There standing in front of me are two girls

One broken and gloomy and whitish

The other ecstatic and joyful and full of life

What is the difference between them

One had a smile on her face

On that was genuine and proud like she had just won a race

The other also with a smile on her face

This time if you look closely you will find

That the smile is just to cover what's on the inside

One whose eyes can light up the dark

The others is the dark

Light and Dark I named them

Dark's face pale as a ghost

Whilst Light's face is full of color

Dark glaring at everything that passes under her dark and hostile glare

Whilst Light smiling a smile full of joy and laughter at everything she sees

The contrast so big and yet they both look the same

The same hazel and blue eyes

Light brown hair with streaks of gold

Long eyelashes that rest on their high cheekbones

And yet they look so different at a first glance

The more I stare the more their features enhance

And I notice the dimple in their cheeks

Light and Dark both stare at me intently

As if waiting for me to do something

I wait and wait and wait

All of us staring at one another

I notice that Light and Dark barely even notice each other

Both acting as if the other doesn't exist

I can feel their gazes burning into me

Yet both feel so different

Light's is friendly and slightly confused

Whereas Dark's is angry and bitter

Light has a slight blush glowing on her cheeks and she let's out a little giggle

This seems to make Dark's glower a bit more intense and her frown deepens

Light and Dark are an oxymoron in themselves

And yet they seem like twins

One look's troubled and intimidating

The other pleasant and jubilant

When the lightness meets the dark

That's what they are

And it's then that I realize

I'm looking at my self

They are my reflection

Could they really be me?

Couldthey be my reflection?

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