First Shot

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I stare at him from a distance across the room.
If I'm feeling brave I smile hoping he notices me.
He never does.
Look back to my notebook and jot down a few more things from Mrs.Cornell's lesson. Why won't he see that we'd be perfect tofether?!
I knew from the moment I saw Kobe that I had to make him mine.
He makes me laugh.
So much.
And he's smile, god! It's like someone is throwing love in front of my face with no way to get to it.
I glance once more and he feels my stare and glances back.
I pretend I'm looking some where else.
Feeling a soft nudge I look to my left over to my good friend Emma.
"Looks like someone has a crush..." she says with a wisper.
Oh fuck am I really that obvious!
Think of a lie come on Olivia think!
"I don't like him!" I say half laughing "he's dating my best friend!"
Which is true.
Kobe was dating Brea.
That's the worst part of it all. Even if I wanted him, which I do, so badly, I couldn't have him. I don't cross swords with friends.
Their relationship is so stupid! They both don't like each other they're just too lazy to find someone else!
I text Kobe and Brea all the time and I'm always solving their problems.
How stupid can I be!?
I want Kobe and Brea doesn't.
.... but Kobe doesn't want me either way.
There's no point in trying.
And that doesn't mean I don't like someone else too.
Cuz just to make things more confusing, I like Brea too.
My heart is one confused mess.
I've known Brea all my life and I've always have had a crush on her and honestly. I don't want to.
She's really confusing.
And a pain in the ass.
But I still love her?
In a way I want them to be together and in a way I don't.
Brea has told me before that she likes someone else (but won't tell me who) and Kobe likes a guy named Damen.
But yet they're still together....
I am the only one thinking this is really stupid?
I finish jotting down the rest of my notes as the bell rings.
I shove my notebook in my girly ass backpack as I heard Mrs.Cornell wish us a good day.
Yeah bitch not gonna happen this is Junior High another word for hell don't ya know.
I walk out without a word.
I heard footsteps behind me and I turn around to see where they're coming from and I'm inches from Kobe.
Butterflies fill in my stomach like a swarm of bees to the nearest flower.
"H-hi.." I smile back.
Oh my god why is my voice so shaky.
He doesn't seem to notice
"Hey have you seen Brea I need to give this too her." He pulls out his pen.
I laugh to myself.
This isn't the first time they hid cigs in pens.
"Yeah she's on her way to Algebra so we'll probably see her when we go up to the 200." I answer trying not to blush.
"Okay. I'll walk with you then." He says as we start to move with the hallway of horny teens.
We continue to have a conversation on Deathnote and who we'd put in our deathnote if we had one.
We were laughing so hard in the hall people started to look at us funny.
I honestly didn't even notice that Brea past us by.
"Anyway." I announce "this is my stop" I say motioning toward the class.
"Okay, text me later."
And with that he walks off.
Please be mine.
I walk into Class Civil with my head down knowing the answer to the question.

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