Chapter 7

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~~Jin's POV~~
That kiss...

I wasn't even thinking... Well I was, but not about Jungkook.

Well, about Jungkook, but I was depressed about Ki Nari and really needed someone to lean on.

I like Jungkook, not Ki Nari. I kept telling myself which is half the truth.

The truth is... I like both of them...But one is gone. I liked one since elementary, but we just didn't see each other for 7 years. The other one I went out with for 3 years.

But because of what I kept telling myself, I ended up kissing him.

I'm surprised he didn't force me off or anything. Instead, he smiled and promised to stay. What does that mean?


It's after dinner time and Jungkook and I are sitting awkwardly far apart from each other on my bed.

"Sorry we don't have an extra room..." I told him, still not having any idea where he'd sleep.

"It's fine, the floor is very comfy." He told me with a smile. I wasn't going to allow that.

"Here." I took out a t-shirt of mine and shorts of mine and tossed them to him as he caught them I said, "Get changed into those and I'll figure out what to do while you are." He nodded and left the room to the bathroom.

I hated the floor, I always got cramps in my back from it. But I wasn't going to allow Jungkook to sleep on the floor either.

Once he got back, I told him my plan. "You can sleep with me." Immediately, his face turned red.

"I-if that's what I have to do, ok." He told me.

I had another plan too, but I was kind of taking advantage of the situation. I could just sleep in my brothers old room, even though he doesn't like that, and Jungkook could have slept in here.

As I got into bed, I went to the farthest side on the right. I patted the side next to me.

He hesitantly lied next to me.

Should I tell him my feelings? I kept wondering to myself as I stared at him lying next to me.

"It's hot. Can I take off my shirt?" He asked me all of a sudden, I could tell I was blushing.

"It isn't hot... Want me to put down the temperature?" I asked, but then I remembered the few sleepovers we had with the others when we were younger.

Jungkook doesn't wear a shirt to bed at all. 

Is that still normal to him?

He was about to open his mouth to tell me he's used to sleeping without a shirt  but I cut him off, "I remember now. Yeah, you can."

I accidentally stared at him while he was taking off his shirt. He caught me staring and immediately went under the covers.

"Sorry." I apologized.

He peeked his head out of the covers and asked something that I hoped he wouldn't, "Jin hyung, why did you kiss me earlier?" He said with blush on his face.

Do I have to answer?

"It's because I like you, like have feelings for you." I said bluntly without realizing. And when I realized, my face went completely red.

He just laughed, "Good. I like you too." Then he kissed me on the cheek.

That surprised me... But because of that, it was the first night since Ki Nari's death, that I didn't have insomnia.

The next morning, I opened my eyes to a sleeping Jungkook. I almost jumped out of my bed because I forgot he was there.

It was a school day and I kept shaking him so he could wake up. Why won't he wake up?

Then I thought of an idea to wake him up. I started touching his nipples. It was awkward but he woke up right away.

"What are you doing?!" He sat up right away.

"Waking you up, we have school. By the way, my mom washed your uniform from yesterday." I handed him his uniform.

He left to get dressed. While he was getting dressed, so was I.

He came back and we walked to school together. Not hand in hand, but I really wanted to.

The day went by normally. Bangtan boys had lunch together and today we decided to go to an arcade after school.

Luckily, no one suspected Jungkook's and my weird relationship together now.

After school, we all headed to the arcade together.

"Hoseok, Jimin, let's go play that game over there!" Taehyung pointed excitedly at a wrestling game.

But Hoseok wasn't paying attention, he quickly ran to one of those horse games.

"Look! It's Jhorse!" He got onto the horse and put money into the system. 

"I'll play with you." Namjoon said and got onto the other one.

"No, you'll just break it" Hoseok said and started playing with himself.

I glanced at Jungkook, he seemed really happy... I wish that could have lasted.

Right then, he looked down to his phone and his smile disappeared.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"My parents... They are in here with my cousin... Junghyun just told me." He said with a worried look.

I started to panic, "We gotta get out of here, I'll text the others where we went later." I grabbed his hand and tried to hurry out of the arcade.

But it was too late.

"Jungkook?" His mother saw him and stopped us.

"E-eomma..." He stuttered.

"Where were you?" She asked, firmly.

"I can explai-"

She cut him off, "Where ever you were, don't come back until I tell you that you can. When I'm ready for you. But if I see you anywhere, and I mean anywhere, again during that time, there will be a big consequence. A bigger one then you ever had before."

I could tell that he was trembling. After that, his mother walked away. I texted the others telling them that Jungkook and I had to leave.

We ended up walking to a park. Hand in hand. I didn't let go of his hand since I grabbed him to get out of the arcade. I was scared he would break.

We sat down at a bench and I finally let go.

He really did break. Tears started to fall down his cheek which made me feel worst for him.

"Looks like I don't have a home now." He said while crying. I couldn't stand looking at him.

"You have a home, and it's with me. I might not be able to get you back to your parent's home, but I can protect you. I'll do anything for you, I promise." I told him. Then I leaned in and gave him a long kiss on the lips.

He wiped away his tears once we parted and tried to put on a smile. "Thanks Jin hyung. That problem is solved, but I literally won't be able to leave your house. My parents could spot me anywhere and they'd give me that big consequence."

"I told you that I will protect you." I told him, worried about what was going to happen.

He shook his head, "I'm not sure if that's going to be easy and I don't want you hurt." After that, no matter what I told him, he wouldn't let me promise that I would protect him in public.


It's been over a week, and he has become a total shut in, refusing to leave my room, no matter what I do. I have to bring him food.

I have to be his boyfriend and his mother pretty much.

How am I gonna get him back into the real world...?


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