Chapter Twenty Six | PART II Sickness and In Health

Start from the beginning

"I...." Alex starts to say, but nothing comes out. I squeeze her hand, hoping she knows that I support her. "I..." Alex says again only this time there's a crack in her voice as she starts to break down. All of us here in her room don't know what to do but shed our own tears. Our hearts aches for her. Finally Alex, clears her throats and wipes her tears with the back of her hand. She makes eye contact with everyone in the room. "Stage two... Pancreatic cancer." She finally says.

I swear my heart skipped a beat, I sit there motionless. Tears stream down my eyes. I look at everyone in the room and everyone has the exact same reaction as I did. I run out of the room tears stinging  my eyes. I run down a hall until I'm alone. I slide down on the floor running my hand through my hair so many times. I can't think straight, out of all the people why Alex Morgan?



I stare in horror as I watch as Tobin runs out of the room and it hurts knowing that she hurts just as much as I do. I take a deep breath and I look at all my teammates who have come to see me.

"Alex I'm.... I don't know what to say." Carli finally says as she bends over to give me a hug.

"I think I speak for everyone in this room." Amy says. "Our hearts and our unconditional love go out to you. You have our love you have our support you have everything from us, and until the end you'll have us. We care so much about you, and it kills us knowing we can't do much but hope... And pray. Alex, you have our support and we will help you get through this battle and we know you'll overcome this. I know this must be so hard for you as it is for us, but we're with you every step of the way from here on out. Every game, every training we have goes out to you, and we'll work our butts of and we'll help you fight through this. But it's not just us it's you. You have to stay strong and fight like hell to stay here with us, we don't want you any place else Alex. We love you dearly and we always will." Amy says as tears fill her eyes but she wipes them away before they fall as Lauren pulls her into a hug.

"Thank you." I finally say and everyone looks at me as I finally say something besides the news. "You don't understand, I need you guys more than ever." I say.

"Yeah, and we'll be here don't worry about that." Kelley says.

"So, what now?" HAO asks.

"Treatment. Lots of it." I answer back.

"Will you... Will you still play soccer?" Lauren asks as she wipes her eyes.

"I can't answer that Lauren..." I say.

"Do you have a TV in here?" Pinoe asks, and for a second I thought she was joking but when I saw her with a straight voice I knew she wasn't. I point to the TV hung up on the wall. "You can't miss a game, promise that." I was quite surprised at how serious she was. "Easiest promise I'll ever make." I say with a small smile.

"I'll tell Jill and the rest of the staff." Carli says and I give her a nod.

"So, you're stuck here forever?" Press asks.

"I can't answer that." I say. "But I hope not." I say.

After small conversations with everyone along with hugs, everyone started to leave but the ones who stayed were Lauren and Amy, and possibly Tobin. Tobin. I wanted to talk to her so badly, especially now that I have the courage too.

"Lauren?" I say.

"I'm right here Alex." Lauren says as she gives me a small smile.

"Can you get Tobin?" I say. Just then Amy walks in the room with Tobin right behind her.

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