†† Chapter Nine

Start from the beginning

              "I guess ..." He made me sit down next to him so I rested on his shoulder as I ate.

               "He's lost a lot of blood." Kim told Anastasia, Adam's stiff body laid motionless on the ground. His heart beat was loud and clear to the both of them, but they knew that he only had a few minutes till he faces death.

               Suddenly a warlock appeared through the foggy trees and started shooting bolts at them through his finger tips. Kim, enraged by the magical humans, dashed behind the warlock and without much effort she cracked his neck.

               The sounds of explosions were heard not far from where they stood. The war was still going on, even though they had won the fight. Flashes of bright neon lights appeared through the sky. Vampires had won, but the witches wouldn't give up until each of them were dead.

               "Do you want to save him? Then you know what to do." Anastasia murmured as she looked down at vulnerable Adam.

               "I can't do that to him." She began to let tears escape. But she also didn't want to let him die, it was her fault that he was hurt in the first place.

               She began to feel fury towards the remaining witches and warlocks. She got up on her feet and jumped up into the air. Her wings sprung out and she flapped them quickly. Only revenge pondered at her mind.

               She flew over the castle tower and gently began to hover down over the war field. Many sparks were seen below as witches struck their spells that the vampire soldiers. Most of them were strong but we still had more vampires than they could imagine. It wasn't a war, it was a massacre.

               Kim dropped down as her wings folded right back in. She ran towards her first target, gullible Miranda. They both locked eye sight and began to fight. Each time Kim tried to smash her fists into her skull, an electric blue force field would block her moves.

               Kim knew that they wouldn't last forever as long as she kept hitting. Cracks formed throughout the shield, making shattering noises. Miranda began to chant words and suddenly Kim was thrown out of balance, something began pulling her all over the ground.

               Minutes passed and Kim was unable to break the spell, she was struggling on the ground but there wasn't much she could do. She was fighting against something that couldn't be touched, the mind.

              The war, even though it was over, was becoming intense as the last bits of survivors fought to the death. Blood would forever be stained on this grass. Magic blood and the blood of demons. Blue fire hovered over the skies and the moon was at it's fullest and brightest.

               Suddenly a few witches began screaming and Kim looked up at a dark shadow. A woman in a dark cloak started to kill everyone, including vampires. Kim began to panic, it was Vamptra. The spell was still on, and if there was no way for her to break the spell then she would die.

               Miranda, being the most powerful witch on the field, cloaked them all in an ever lasting defensive spell that would protect against all vampire attacks. Vamptra unfolded her hood to reveal her beautiful and demonic face structure. She walked towards Miranda, the shield visible out in front of them.

               Kim knew that the spell was strong, no vampires can go through it. But somehow Vamptradid. She walked right through it like if it were nothing. Miranda's eyes widened in fear and she started to run away, not before Vamptra flashed in front of her.

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