Open Eyes

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It was dark and I couldn't see anything. I was trapped in my mind. I kept seeing Kevin, I kept talking to him and then it all stopped when I touched him. Everything hurt. Even breathing. I heard the machine start to beep. The nurse ran into my room. "Good Evening sleepy head" I chuckled a little. What was good about it?

"It's good you're up, when can check your data which seems to be fine, but I will go let the doctor know that you have awoken and he will take it from there." She walked away. She had a nice ass. It was beautiful. It looked like two giant basketballs. I was rudely interrupted by the doctor who rushed into my room.

"Jordan, listen, you have caused so much stress to me and my clients" Ok bitch, why didn't you quit , I said to my self, but I had to respectful. "We're glad your back to us though", he said smiling. Why did he have to smile? Now I have to devour his face. Lips pink as a flamingo, juicy as a watermelon, plump as Kylie Jenner's. I had to have those lips. Teeth white as snow. I went in for the kill. I dived in deep too. He grabbed me and flipped me. He was in control now. We were on the floor. I quickly pulled the gown from my body as he undid his pants.

He picked me up and flipped me around once more:He was a strong man. He slid into me and I let out a loud cry. "You like that don't you little Jay." My body needed this so bad it gave me goosebumps all over, I replied "Yes doctor". He began calling my name "Jay?.....Jay......Jay?" I jumped up and we were right back where we started.

I fucking fantasized about the whole damn thing. I was so upset I just wanted to sleep. "Well I'll let your parents know that you have awo-", I cut him off quick,"No, I don't want them to know anything, I'm of legal age as to where I can make my own decisions now so whatever you need, come to me, I do not want them up here." He looked at me in fear. "I can see you are still a little irate about the situation, so here" he handed me a piece of paper and said "Write down all the names of people you want to come here to see you and I will have it fixed for you." I took the paper and put down only one name.

When the doctor left the phone rang. I grabbed it immediately. "Hello?" who ever it was just gasped and sat there in silence. "Um......Is someone here." "Jay it's me" I broke away in silence. I knew this voice oh too well. I grabbed the phone and brought it to my ear and listened to his apologies and crying. I was doing the same. I couldn't believe he came out to his parents. He already had big balls, but they were bigger now.

"I'm coming to see you." There was no if and's or but's. He was coming. I was a mess though. Hair all tangled and shit, BO was hella reliable. I got up and tried to go to the bathroom but I fell. I forgot I had been in that bed so long that my legs forgot how to walk. Lazy bitches, irresponsible. My arms didn't forget though. I crawled my way to the bathroom. I hopped in that shower and gave myself a quick yes, no ma'am. I was able to walk when I got out the shower and I put on some clothes and just waited. I went up to get my file and I just skimmed it.

The usual, Suicide and a coma but I didn't realize the side effects were that I would have serious craving and I had to go to counseling and all that bullshit, but was I ready for all that. The door opened. I could feel the air rushing towards me and kissing my skin. My hair rose up in excitement. My body was ready. "Jay", Kevin shouted. He ran over to me and grabbed me and I almost had an orgasm. Wrapped up in his touch was just breathe taking.

We spent hours just looking at each other crying and laughing and telling stories. He came back up to check on me everyday. He had 2 weeks left until the team came to get him. "I want to take you with me. They are giving me a house and I want to take you with me." I couldn't go. I wanted to pursue my career as well as he did but I also wanted to be by his side.

"I don't know about that Kev"He looked at me with so much penitent in his eyes. "Please Jay" he dropped to his knees. I don't have anyone else to share my joy with. My family has kicked me out I did it all for you. I really need you to be with me." He then looked up at me and I knew he was up to something no good. "I can just call and get out of the league, As long I can be with yo-, I cut him off "No, I'll go."

I was going through some good therapy and I was ready to just pack my things and go. I had to go to my home in order to do so. The van pulled me up to the drive way and there was no one there. "Thank goodness.", I said. I went inside and I went up to my room and they had completely moved on. It was a storage room now. All my make-up and hair products were gone, all my pictures were gone and It was full of bullshit. I went into my bathroom and saw nothing of mine in there. I just got a big bag went into Mom and dad's room, went behind the bed, knocked on the floor and took my card they put money on and walked to the refrigerator. I opened it up and stuffed that bag full of everything I liked. Which was everything. I decided to write a letter. I cried several times writing this full essay formatted letter. When I decided to leave, I spit on all the left overs and walked out to the van, got in and didn't say a word. We drove off. The letter was on repeat in my head, I knew exactly what was on the paper.

" Dear Mom and Dad, I came home today to surprise you. I seen that you weren't here. I went up to my room to check things out, and I was happy by the way it looked. I'm glad you guys have learned to move on from your problems and I am thankful for all you have done for me. I will not be causing you anymore trouble. I have taken what I need for my journey. I hope I will never see you all again. Don't come looking for me, just go in my room and remind yourselves why you replaced my things with other items to fill in that hole inside of you.

Dad, do me a favor, when you pray, ask for some understanding, so you can finally understand a life situation and stop relating to another situation and actually deal with it first hand. 

Mom. When you pray, pray for a better husband. You were so worried about me sneaking and doing something with your husband, that you haven't been aware of the fact that he has been sleeping with his secretary for the past 3 years and has even had her in your bed.

David. When you pray, pray for a cure.

Oh, and so you all know.

"Now everyone Know's about my Under Cover Boy!

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